


2、A malicious, spiteful comment.『4words』

3、Malicious, spiteful, or overbearing.『4words』

4、Angry and spiteful words『4words』

5、You're being very spiteful.『4words』



6、Nana was certainly not spiteful.『5words』

7、A woman regarded as angry or spiteful.『7words』

8、I know your spiteful hatred towards me.『7words』

9、Walter's spiteful remarks were quite uncalled for.『7words』

10、Mr. Baruch dismisses that as petty and spiteful.『8words』



11、or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents.『9words』

12、Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.『10words』

13、The combatants were unequally matched. Elias was anger, Cornelis spiteful.『10words』

14、He has a haunted look, with eyes full of spiteful anger.『11words』

15、he became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful; I find his obsequiousness repellent.『12words』

16、I believe you're doing it on purpose. Always were a spiteful little fellow.『13words』

17、a hateful thing to do; in a mean mood; told spiteful stories about the fat lady.『16words』

18、They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends 'parents.『16words』

19、But Badrarias was a mean, spiteful man and determined to make life difficult for Balboa and his supporters.『18words』

20、It was a spiteful, passionate letter, full of confusions, contortions, and condemnations. And a pile of angry questions.『18words』



21、The princess came in, and as she passed by them she had something spiteful to say to every one.『19words』

22、The woman done not don't love of pulchritude, to own face base "spiteful hand" like this also need equal prowess.『20words』

23、He had missed his daughter sorely, and was deeply sorry that he had married such a spiteful and cross-grained Queen.『20words』

24、Sitnikov joined himself on to them, with an expression of contemptuous scorn on his face, and giving vent to spiteful comments.『21words』

25、You've just learned to be spiteful and brazen-faced.Well, I still plan to behave like a gentleman and keep in my face.『21words』

26、When the house was built-the spiteful, and those in any way radically inclined, liked to refer to it as a "mansion."『21words』

27、This happens whenever we become angry, hostile, bitter, spiteful, manipulative, or vengeful when others do not respond favourably to the good news we bring to them.『26words』

28、But it is only used in the intentional or spiteful behavior, serious irresponsible behavior and behavior of great fault in order to guarantee citizen's rights of life and health.『29words』

29、On the other hand, some people are so envious that they are angry when anyone does well, and some people are so spiteful that they delight in other people's misfortunes.『30words』

30、The second of his three marriages ended in a protracted fight for the custody of children and the final pages of his book are spoiled by a spiteful assault on this former wife.『33words』

