

1、I'm feeling goose bumps now.『5words』

2、We gave her the bumps.『5words』

3、“The bumps are good," she said.『6words』

4、I get goose bumps all over.『6words』

5、Kim bumps into her classmate, Pak.『6words』



6、We've had bumps, scrapes and sores.『6words』

7、I have goose bumps all over, too.『7words』

8、There are many goose bumps on my body.『8words』

9、Goose bumps just came all over my body.『8words』

10、They are going to have bumps in the road.『9words』



11、Life is not unchanged, there are always some bumps.『9words』

12、I got goose bumps when I heard the terrible news.『10words』

13、Thus far, the merger has encountered some bumps in the road.『11words』

14、The batsman walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch.『12words』

15、They gave me a warm feeling inside, and no longer eeky goose bumps.『13words』

16、Luke's journey to becoming a Jedi Knight would have had a lot more bumps.『14words』

17、 The crisp sound of metal bumps whirls around the room, like the rhythm of everyone's heartbeat.『17words』

18、The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner's hearing until January 21st.『17words』

19、As a result, our car has fallen into despair again and again, bumping into bumps and pits.『17words』

20、Life is a long journey, along the way, can not be smooth sailing, there are always bumps and bumps.『19words』



21、The years behind me are still bumps in words, rows of stories that have nothing to do with me.『19words』

22、Life, will never blindly pure, nor smooth sailing, it is mixed with 70% of the taste, facing bumps and bumps.『20words』

23、Small bumps like the edge of a carpet do not cause trouble, but taller ones can be a brick wall.『20words』

24、Because l'll have you in my life.A few bumps and bruises along the way are a small price to pay.『20words』

25、The road is long, afraid of bumps, but often bumps. In addition to their own, no one cares about walking tired.『21words』

26、LL: Well, if someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway and they say, "sorry," you can tell them, "no sweat."『21words』

27、The power of time should leave traces on the earth, and the wheels of time should crush bumps and bumps between lanes.『22words』

28、Just like the laughter we show on the dark road, the bumps and dullness of the journey fade into the dark sky.『22words』

29、The many dimensions of the globe, its curves and changing bumps, its shifting borders and evolving landscapes, cannot all be depicted accurately on a flat sheet of paper.『28words』

30、 A person comes out of his hometown, walks so far, bumps and bumps, has no place to eat, no place to sleep, but never this moment of sadness.『29words』

