

1、a dubbed foreign film『4words』

2、The movie was poorly dubbed.『5words』

3、He was dubbed a knight.『5words』

4、Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?『5words』

5、It was quickly dubbed the "hobbit".『6words』



6、a Swedish film dubbed into English『6words』

7、Researchers have dubbed the network GhostNet.『6words』

8、The fissures have been dubbed tiger stripes.『7words』

9、His recovery has been widely dubbed a miracle.『8words』

10、It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.『8words』



11、Already, she has been dubbed "Die Robin Hood Bankerin".『9words』

12、I grew up in Sweden, where almost nothing is dubbed.『10words』

13、A female lion dubbed Silver Eye snarls for the camera.『10words』

14、Back at Monroe - dubbed "the freedom fort" - fugitives continued arriving daily.『13words』

15、So Drs Tanaka and Shimoyama decided to build an artificial swallowtail, dubbed an "ornithopter".『14words』

16、Their main weapon against super skinny models: a brand of civil disobedience dubbed "body activism".『15words』

17、None more so than the country's businessmen, whose exuberant expansionism has led to them being dubbed.『16words』

18、The act increased competition, innovation, and access to what Al Gore had dubbed the information superhighway.『16words』

19、Michael Gurstein, a community informatics expert in Vancouver, British Columbia, has dubbed this problem the data divide.『17words』

20、With its unhelpful locals and general aloofness, Moscow has been dubbed the unfriendliest city in the world.『17words』



21、Worries about the growing ranks of the elderly are amplified by what is being dubbed the 4-2-1 problem.『18words』

22、Guangzhou is also dubbed admiringly "the City of Flowers", as here flowers bloom luxuriantly all the year round.『18words』

23、The new tool, theatrically dubbed the "microsphere nanoscope", works by combining an optical microscope with a transparent microsphere.『18words』

24、Mr Sarkozy dubbed a new scheme, under which traders may forgo bonuses depending on Banks' overall performance, a bonus-malus system.『20words』

25、The loan, secured by the club's assets, was used to fund an overseas expansion, dubbed Yellowstone Club World, that later folded.『21words』

26、A female lion dubbed Silver Eye snarls for the camera. The lions on Duba Plains are some of the largest lions in the world.『24words』

27、They've been dubbed devil's darning needles, horse stingers, and finger cutters. In fact, these aerial acrobats are harmless, neither nuisance nor danger—unless you're a mosquito.『25words』

28、A public-awareness campaign, dubbed "small steps", will try to educate Americans by highlighting healthier lifestyle options, such as walking up stairs instead of taking a lift.『26words』

29、Because this behavior resembles that of circular logs, I have dubbed the concept "circular queues" and over the years I've found it to be extremely useful for administration and debugging.『30words』

30、Mr Dawkins, his modern champion, has been dubbed his rottweiler, a reflection of his uncompromising defence of both evolutionary theory and the atheism he thinks is a necessary consequence of it.『31words』

