

1、a gaily-painted pleasure-boat『3words』

2、He rattled away gaily.『4words』

3、Dinner went off gaily.『4words』

4、They gaily ascended the downs.『5words』

5、The boys chatted gaily while they dressed.『7words』



6、He put on a gaily coloured shirt.『7words』

7、“Then follow the leader," he cried gaily.『7words』

8、Busily, gaily, she went hither and yon.『7words』

9、Heidi jumped and bounded gaily by their side.『8words』

10、The birds singing gaily, that came at my call.『9words』



11、Emerson's Scottish friend Carlyle, once gaily radical, turned sour.『9words』

12、She talked gaily of art and literature and music.『9words』

13、“Oh, I know what they are for," said Heidi gaily.『10words』

14、move in the specified direction gaily or casually or by dancing『11words』

15、The girls can already be heard in the distance chattering gaily.『11words』

16、But I sense you gaily disregard this rule daily, as indeed do I.『13words』

17、A laugh…bubbled out of his mouth like water from a spring, gaily, sparking with sunshine.『15words』

18、Then why are you singing so gaily? Usually when somebody loses something, he is sad.『15words』

19、“My word, you really have gone native, haven't you," said Sister Mary gaily, as she bustled out.『17words』

20、Parents suffer constantly from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart.『17words』



21、Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.『18words』

22、Then the staff trooped through the gaily decorated court onto the level ground before the remodeled hospital .『18words』

23、52they bundled their books away, pencils clacking, pages rustling. Crowding together they strapped and buckled their satchels, all gabbling gaily.『20words』

24、Those who have read his prose writing must have noticed how gaily and airily it flows on like the sprightliest of conversation.『22words』

25、I had a bed of asters last summer, that reached clear across my garden in the country. Oh, how gaily they bloomed.『22words』

26、This one question made her feel six or seven years younger.She walked gaily along as though she had springs on her feet.『22words』

27、The seats once crowded with people of every class are now empty, the once gaily-coloured flower square is bare and bleak with hardly any life.『25words』

28、The scattered cattle and sheep sometimes play, sometimes lie in the shade, and when they see us coming, they also gaily and contentedly moo a few times.『27words』

29、Every yak is dressed up beautifully before race: it has red tassels on the head, colorful silk on the horns, gaily-colored ribbons on the ears and the fan-shaped Tibetan patterns on the tail.『33words』

30、To be carried low when the dog is quiet, but with a slight upward swirl at the tip. It may be carried gaily when the dog is excited, but not over the back.『33words』

