


2、I heard him thump upstairs.『5words』

3、It landed with a thump.『5words』

4、His heart began to thump wildly.『6words』

5、I could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump.『7words』



6、thump out a tune on the piano『7words』

7、He felt a thump on his shoulder.『7words』

8、Into the office, my heart "thumpthump" manner Zhitiao.『8words』

9、Orange, is the exclusive Eros trainee heart thump.『8words』

10、The two boys began to thump one another『8words』



11、I'll thump you if you say that again.『8words』

12、Reporter has doubts asked that said what is hits thump『10words』

13、There was a thump as the truck hit the bank.『10words』

14、Heard that, my heart begin with thump-thump and gradually fell into meditation.『12words』

15、The snow that she'd knocked loose buried her with a soft thump.『12words』

16、There was a loud thump as the horse crashed into the van.『12words』

17、Pony carried the wheat in the water, "thumpthump" crossing the river to the mill.『14words』

18、Bitterness surname the old is also spirit thump a beard to stare ah, bad shriek.『15words』

19、He was not, however, and quickly fell back down with a thump, and went to sleep.『16words』

20、We began to throw money on the drum, and the drum made a thumpthumpthumping sound.『17words』



21、My heart beats with the bouncing ball, thumpthump, as Grade Six students run quickly down the court.『18words』

22、You are asleep in the branches of your home and hear the rhythmic thump of iron-shod feet below.『18words』

23、The headmaster had ceased to thump Rodin's Thinker down on the desk as an example to the young.『18words』

24、When suddenly, thump! Thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.『20words』

25、From the milkhouse there was the steady thumpthump of a churn being manipulated by the half-witted girl, Elisa Stoughton.『20words』

26、Desks a little, you encounter when I was always thumpthump, sometimes you feel there is a wish to cling to.『20words』

27、Suddenly heard the thumpthump of the sound, rolling in a big carrot to get rid of the Wolf, rabbit called excited: Check it out!『24words』

28、I saw the mother of the child with cystic fibrosis faithfully administer physical therapy, heard the hollow thump-thump-thump as she pounded the child's chest, her efforts a talisman of dedication, hope and pain.『33words』

29、Using your fists, gently thump the outside of your body, starting with your legs and arms, working from top to bottom. Then move inward to your torso and thump from bottom to top.『33words』

30、When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thumpthumpthump, and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy.『37words』

