

1、He could decipher military signals.『5words』

2、Can you decipher this letter?『5words』

3、Possible to read or decipher.『5words』

4、Difficult to read or decipher.『5words』

5、 Difficult to read or decipher.『6words』



6、Other patterns are difficult to decipher.『6words』

7、Sohow do you decipher an unknown script?『7words』

8、I simply cannot decipher his crabbed handwriting.『7words』

9、Finally, Galil was able to decipher the text.『8words』

10、It is a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship.『9words』



11、We can decipher the password intercepted by broadcasting station.『9words』

12、If I know the forces, I can decipher the samples.『10words』

13、Tanaka next hopes to decipher the genetic instructions governing blastema formation.『11words』

14、It took Kostya a moment to decipher what they were doing.『11words』

15、Notice that the text pickle format isn't too difficult to decipher.『11words』

16、Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell.『14words』

17、Today, a single machine can decipher three human genomes in little more than a week.『15words』

18、There are so many passwords that we can decipher, and we know how to decipher them.『16words』

19、For him who understands how to decipher them, armorial bearings are algebra,armorial bearings have a tongue.『16words』

20、Using both theoretical and experimental findings, they have been able to decipher the details of the universe.『17words』



21、Thomas young, an English scholar, was the first to seriously attempt to decipher the symbols on the Rosetta Stone.『19words』

22、If you become friendly with a store employee, you can always ask them to decipher the code for you.『19words』

23、In fact , it might reappear to the extent that scholars could make out and even decipher the original text.『20words』

24、Some scientists believe the work to decipher the human genetic code is no less important than the Apollo moon landing program.『21words』

25、Hiding dreams in a corner of the soul is because the meaning of life is to decipher the code of dreams.『21words』

26、Police there are working with BBM maker Research in Motion to decipher the messages and identify those responsible for burning and pillaging London stores.『24words』

27、Receivers use a combination of the sender's public key and their own private encryption key to unlock the secret code for that message and decipher it.『26words』

28、It would seem that the brain sees these images as puzzles, and the harder it is to decipher the meaning, the more rewarding is the moment of recognition.『28words』

29、Advertisement is a system of signs. The current semiotics can help the study of advertisement develop a more accurate discourse and decipher the secret of the ad. meaning generating.『29words』

30、It consisted of three metal bars placed vertically on the wall, and I had to actually be told that it was a work of art but my imagination refused to decipher it as such.『34words』

