

1、Agile is always evolving.『4words』

2、Consider what's evolving on earth.『5words』

3、The web is constantly evolving.『5words』

4、Language is constantly and gradually evolving.『6words』

5、Love is alive and constantly evolving.『6words』



6、China's fledgling gold market is still evolving.『7words』

7、But how you define diversification is evolving.『7words』

8、Yazino founder Hussein Chahine said:"Communication is constantly evolving."『8words』

9、The law governing e-mail communications is still evolving.『8words』

10、Everything except the part about snakes evolving from lizards.『9words』



11、How do you see yourself evolving as an "athlete-turned-entrepreneur?『9words』

12、Therefore, the bending machine control system research is constantly evolving.『10words』

13、Designers use a constantly evolving visual language to suggest interactions.『10words』

14、However, GAC-based segmentations have the drawbacks of long evolving time and boundary leaking.『13words』

15、RESEARCHERS DO KNOW that slavery is both evolving and increasing in raw numbers.『13words』

16、The evolving of the Marxism theory about spiritual production is detailed in the part one.『15words』

17、Biotechnology is the science of the twenty-first century-a journey into undiscovered and constantly evolving territory.『15words』

18、During the Cambrian period, 500 million years ago, worm-like creatures were evolving into fish-like creatures.『15words』

19、“ Surface" is a series full of continuously evolving twists that deliver across several long-term arcs.『16words』

20、Even though this polarisation is evolving, there are no apparent differences between the two groups except, honour.『17words』



21、In reality, it's a confluence of cultural forces that has left us clutching, desperately, to an ever-evolving beauty ideal.『19words』

22、We hold that the major tool to solve the inefficient interest rate transmission mechanism in China is evolving market interest.『20words』

23、The web is a continuously evolving medium, and I know that new ways to find and consume content will keep evolving.『21words』

24、More than 500 customers in 56 countries have chosen our solutions to face the growing quality requirements of a constantly evolving market.『22words』

25、This fact was of enormous value in helping the national economies find their niches in the evolving currents of the international economy.『22words』

26、In the third chapter, the application of evolving factor analysis (EFA) and multivariate curve resolution (MCR) in the enzyme reaction mechanism is discussed.『23words』

27、What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider.『25words』

28、Our technology is evolving, our social systems are evolving, and there is little doubt that our bodies and most probably our minds will soon follow suit.『26words』

29、Although using nested or semi-nested PCR can prominently increase PCR specificity, it really cannot efficiently amplify quick evolving region of DNA in our research of gene Fak56D.『27words』

30、The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats and clergy who could deal with Latin.『31words』

