


2、luncheon meat with {Yunnan} ham『5words』

3、In Australia, business luncheon speech.『5words』

4、luncheon meat, beef and pork『5words』

5、You asked me to luncheon.『5words』



6、a formal dinner, luncheon, dance, etc『6words』

7、We were invited to a formal luncheon.『7words』

8、host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of ...『7words』

9、So I want to hold a luncheon meeting.『8words』

10、“I never eat anything for luncheon," she said.『8words』



11、No, no, I never eat anything for luncheon.『8words』

12、My university wants me to speak at a luncheon.『9words』

13、A casserole was already in the oven cooking gently for luncheon.『11words』

14、His luncheon, an attractive chicken, was uneaten on the tray before him.『12words』

15、This arrangement displays the locations of the guests at a luncheon for television anchors.『14words』

16、“I really think, mother," she said reproachfully,"we might afford a few fresh flowers for luncheon."『15words』

17、Thank you for asking me to be guest speaker at the breakfast/luncheon/dinner/meeting at Victory Hotel.『15words』

18、So-and-so would entertain a party of friends at a private luncheon on the sixteenth, at Sherry's.『16words』

19、She even liked chicken luncheon - sliced into thin bits and the luncheon has to be fresh.『17words』

20、The female clerk succeeded in playing the role of hostess and greeted every banker who attended the luncheon.『18words』



21、The people in it were the very same people he had sat and watched at luncheon in the coffee-room!『19words』

22、Yes. I believe you have a luncheon meeting this coming Wednesday. Could you give me some more information about that?『20words』

23、Introduce briefly on what is the monthly press luncheon and discuss the preparation for luncheon with dividing the trainees into2 group.『21words』

24、This article studies the feasibility of adopting fast pickling method in the production of pork luncheon meat instead of traditional pickling method.『22words』

25、He also held discussions with Congressional leaders and gave a keynote speech at a luncheon hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce.『22words』

26、In April, I went to Los Angeles to speak to a luncheon for education First, a citizens group dedicated to improving public education.『23words』

27、Consider a luncheon or brunch, with a late night dance party that same evening or a few weeks later when you return from your honeymoon.『25words』

28、The reason why she was able to do her job so perfectly was that she gave the luncheon a heavy responsibility and made her feel important.『26words』

29、“The Misses So-and-so would give a party on Wednesday evening at Sherry's. Young Mr. So-and-so would entertain a party of friends at a private luncheon on the sixteenth, at Sherry's."『30words』

30、The worst moment of all occurred at the end of a high-profile luncheon to which the Chinese delegation had been invited by the CEO of their American host organization, who was a respected dignitary.『34words』

