

1、A license fee;tuition fees.『4words』

2、have private tuition in French『5words』

3、Graduate tuition differs by program.『5words』

4、She received private tuition in French.『6words』

5、and tuition will be very expensive.『6words』



6、His yearly tuition is $ 15, 000.『7words』

7、They have paid the university Jenny's tuition.『7words』

8、During the tour, tuition fees were discussed.『7words』

9、Private schools offering supplementary English tuition have mushroomed.『8words』

10、The quality-oriented tuition in the Chinese public universities;『8words』



11、VO: Who will pay the tuition and other expenses?『9words』

12、It turned out that the tuition included money for paper.『10words』

13、OK, that's about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees.『10words』

14、Tuition information details is here. Please check 2010-2011 Calendar for tuition payment deadlines.『13words』

15、All scholarships are only enough for tuition and only for full-time graduate students.『13words』

16、It'd take 2 years, and cost at least 50,000 dollars in tuition alone.『13words』

17、Send your tuition payment . See "How Do I Make a Tuition Payment?" below.『14words』

18、Hiring more campus police would cost money, possibly making our tuition go up again.『14words』

19、One day, a poor boy to raise tuition fees are selling goods from door to door.『16words』

20、So you can even consider your air fare and hotel bill as part of your tuition『16words』



21、The Tuition in Guizhou Colleges is too Low to Bear--On the standard of tuition in Guizhou Colleges;『17words』

22、We can have taxpayers pick up students' tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study.『17words』

23、Self-supported students should pay tuition fee and lodging expenses of the whole academic year on time after registration.『18words』

24、That winter, after paying the tuition fees of my elder brother and elder sister, my tuition fees did not fall.『20words』

25、Pay full tuition fees at registration. The tuition is paid according to the Regulations on Tuition Fees Payments for Foreign Students of YBU.『23words』

26、The biggest problem in college tuition management is the information sharing between the tuition management system and the other management systems especially the Educational administration system.『26words』

27、A month prior, faced with about $15,000 in unpaid tuition and overdue bills, Taylor and her roommate typed "tuition," "debt," and "money for school" into Google.『26words』

28、The tuition fee does not seem to be the explanation of the problem: previous hikes in tuition fees did not dent demand from rich or poor.『26words』

29、At most universities, people pay the same tuition no matter what they study-and what students pay in tuition is less than what the university spend to educate them, no matter what they study.『33words』

30、Scholarships are usually partial awards, generally for no more than tuition and fees, while fellowships usually cover at least partial tuition and fees and provide a stipend for living expenses. The stipend may be partial or full.『37words』

