

1、I can't be bothered.『4words』

2、Tom and Steve bothered me.『5words』

3、He never bothered the poor.『5words』

4、The fiddler's boastfulness also bothered Kunta.『6words』

5、Hardly anyone has bothered to reply.『6words』



6、The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her.『7words』

7、I'm not bothered about what he thinks.『7words』

8、You don't sound too bothered about it.『7words』

9、Write down all the things that bothered you.『8words』

10、Ultimately, we can't be bothered to change our attitude.『9words』



11、This "brain drain" has long bothered policymakers in poor countries.『10words』

12、My older brother couldn't be bothered to play with me.『10words』

13、We've not bothered to included certain AD hoc reporting queries.『10words』

14、Perhaps you are bothered by the aggressiveness and intensity that red signifies.『12words』

15、The question of what we know and do not know constantly bothered me.『13words』

16、Even later, the clock in the parlour chimes twelve heartbeats. Night comes hot and bothered.『15words』

17、The Working Group that wrote the specs has not bothered to provide a term for these.『16words』

18、Realizing that everyone has certain feelings and secrets that no one else has bothered to unearth.『16words』

19、The predecessor to Windows 7, Vista, was so unpopular that most users never bothered replacing Windows XP.『17words』

20、Pupil constriction and squinting can mean that a person is bothered by what he or she is seeing.『18words』



21、The old man replied with one of his customary harrumphs that said he couldn’t be bothered to answer.『18words』

22、In the 1983 survey barely half of the presidents approached bothered to respond. Today, only a handful dare abstain.『19words』

23、Start by saying to yourself, "Okay, for the next five minutes I won't allow myself to be bothered by anything.『20words』

24、The routine5-4 split in the Rehnquist court bothered him, because he thought it dented the credibility of the law in general.『21words』

25、In theory, there is an easy answer. If you don't want to be bothered about the bond markets, don't borrow from them.『22words』

26、The company has not even bothered to offer a subcompact in America since 1997, when it dropped the wretchedly mediocre, Korean-built Aspire.『22words』

27、Since women themselves no longer bothered with such springtime sentiments and he, a man, was still afflicted with such thoughts, he felt ridiculous.『23words』

28、I worry about being older than him, about punching above my weight in the attractiveness stakes; things that never bothered me previously suddenly do.『24words』

29、Though they had often bothered him, he had never bothered about them; and he would never have dreamed that there were women who had been better because of him.『29words』

30、The three-time champion has been bothered by swelling in his right knee since he crashed on last week's fifth stage, and he banged the same knee again when falling of his bike on stage 9 last Sunday.『37words』

