

1、You look pensive.『3words』

2、a sadly pensive longing.『4words』

3、O pensive infantry soldiers!『4words』

4、You are too pensive, HendersonSungo.『5words』

5、He looked suddenly sombre, pensive.『5words』



6、Why, why repine, my pensive friend.『6words』

7、while pensive poets painful vigils keep『6words』

8、A pensive man squatting on a rock.『7words』

9、She was pensive about her losing work.『7words』

10、Please excuse me if I'm a little pensive today.『9words』



11、“That's what makes you so pensive in these day, eh?"『10words』

12、I've always preferred a rather wistful, pensive image of myself.『10words』

13、You've been looking pensive all day - is anything wrong?『10words』

14、a pensive lyrical piece of music (especially for the piano).『10words』

15、“She said:" You recently Always appears to be a pensive mood.『11words』

16、He became so pensive that she didn't like to break into his thought.『13words』

17、grey-pink shades of sky deepened and paled behind the pensive trees . . .『14words』

18、Sun turned pensive when quizzed on what her 10 years in showbiz have taught her.『15words』

19、When he had ended the perusal, he folded the letter and resumed his pensive attitude.『15words』

20、In these deep solitudes and awful cells, Where have'nly-pensive contemplation dwells, And ever-musing melancholy reigns;『15words』



21、Things did not come to their height with him, and I observed he became pensive and melancholy.『17words』

22、There was a pensive look in Mr. Ryder's eyes as he took the floor and adjusted his eyeglasses.『18words』

23、But yellow the Yangtze wasn't... more like brown, and its water level very low... it looked sad and pensive.『19words』

24、In this dilemma, as I was very pensive, I stept into the cabin and sat me down, Xury having the helm,『21words』

25、After a brief and pensive pause wiping her eyes and staring at the floor she said goodbye and left, closing the door behind her.『24words』

26、Miss Mills was more than usually pensive because there was a tendency in what had passed to awaken the slumbering echoes in the caverns of memory.『26words』

27、It’s a peek inside the bloodstream of perhaps the most thrilling competitor to ever eviscerate his opponents at a pensive task: Bobby Fischer, the chess champion.『26words』

28、In the lobbies of office blocks, waiting for the lift, you can catch a glimpse of English club football - goalmouth dramas, shots of arsene Wenger looking pensive and Newcastle fans celebrating.『32words』

29、After eight he stopped for a while to look at the sky through the window, and he saw two pensive buzzards who were drying themselves in the sun on the ridgepole of the house next door.『36words』

30、On the strength of their singles,including the crushing title track and the more pensive" What's This Life For",Creed topped countless year end charts and was recognized as the Rock Artist of the Year at Billboard's 1998 Music Awards.『38words』

