

1、Another winner was apathy.『4words』

2、Is it ignorance or apathy『5words』

3、Political apathy is equally undesirable.『5words』

4、You mistake avoidance for apathy.『5words』

5、She was dissatisfied with his apathy.『6words』



6、Lack of skills, ignorance, or apathy.『6words』

7、A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy.『7words』

8、Smile can dissolve apathy and pass warmth.『7words』

9、“Doctor Paul cured my apathy," said Kevin Duewel.『8words』

10、apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions.『8words』



11、In or into a state of apathy or indifference.『9words』

12、Indifference, apathy or resistance, however, may stand in the way.『10words』

13、For gays, it is apathy that murders relationships, not tension.『10words』

14、Every force that causes human apathy is combined into this one.『11words』

15、We have been worried about her apathy since her husband died.『11words』

16、I'm fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference.『14words』

17、It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.『15words』

18、As if sitting and doing nothing was the best way to break a cycle of apathy.『16words』

19、A lot of times, men will try and play it cool, and women will mistake that for apathy.『18words』

20、He is troubled, he says, by the apathy in which many educated Israeli liberals choose to wrap themselves.『18words』



21、The borderline between confidence and arrogance is as indistinct as that between apathy and calmness or complacency and contentment.『19words』

22、But such apathy from early adopters suggests that content owners will have plenty of time to prepare for the revolution.『20words』

23、 The first meeting, the last wait, a justice, a conscience, a gentleness, an apathy, a life dream, a dedication.『20words』

24、This landslide did not signify a repudiation of the League but rather revealed the confusion and growing popular apathy over that issue.『22words』

25、One of the four humors of ancient physiology, described as cold and moist and thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper.『23words』

26、Political apathy is equally undesirable,when the people are panic-stricken when caught off-guard in a crisis, can they be counted on to protect the country?『24words』

27、It is bad enough when trade talks break up in acrimony; how much worse that the Geneva gathering petered out amid complacency and apathy.『24words』

28、Liz Elliott, long-standing co-ordinator of green events, said: "I was disappointed by the apathy of the 1990s, but there is certainly a huge turning back."『25words』

29、Invites can now run from one entry in the user table to another, and have an additional column for when the invite is deemed to have been rejected by force of apathy.『32words』

30、 To live is a fatality. To be a man is a pattern. If you fail, you will know what is your self and your apathy. Then you will know how many pounds you have.『35words』

