

1、Signs of this are emerging.『5words』

2、Advanced units are constantly emerging.『5words』

3、CAM is an emerging technology.『5words』

4、Where could emerging-market contagion spread next?『6words』

5、Meanwhile, emerging markets will be buzzing.『6words』



6、Asia's emerging economies experience self sustained growth.『7words』

7、Irrational exuberance: the overselling of emerging markets.『7words』

8、Operational Research is a newly emerging subject.『7words』

9、Booch: There's a phrase emerging called Brownfield development.『8words』

10、Sales in emerging markets offset weakness in North America.『9words』



11、Women writers, performers, painters, directors and musicians are constantly emerging.『10words』

12、Reposition your organization to take full advantage of emerging opportunities.『10words』

13、It has been very heartening to see new writing emerging.『10words』

14、Instead, NFC is more likely to take off in emerging markets.『11words』

15、Yet at Apple and IDEO, Professor Hargadon had experienced breakthroughs emerging from brainstorming.『13words』

16、The Istanbul Biennial also gives solo shows to a number of exciting emerging artists.『14words』

17、The knowledge-based economy is beginning to emerge and emerging industries are emerging one after another.『15words』

18、Epidemics associated with emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are now occurring in historically unprecedented Numbers.『15words』

19、New challenges have arisen in the public health control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.『15words』

20、Many systemic, circulating, tissue and imaging biomarkers are emerging and need to be prospectively validated.『15words』



21、Those strategies will place an increasing emphasis on emerging markets, many of which will power ahead.『16words』

22、This is part of IBM's emerging technology Toolkit (ETTK), which is a special collection of emerging techniques.『17words』

23、A gaping growth gap between the emerging and rich worlds will, of course, shift economic heft more quickly towards emerging economies.『21words』

24、“Some emerging markets should be traded as emerging markets – they are illiquid and small, and investors should remember that, " said Mr O'Neill.『24words』

25、'Growth globally is dominated by emerging Asia, China especially and increasingly India,' said Peter Redward, head of Asia emerging-market research at Barclays Capital in Singapore.『25words』

26、“The world has entered a new era of emerging and re-emerging diseases that have the potential to jump from animals to humans," Dr. Le Gall says.『26words』

27、S. and emerging market economies. While the U. S. labors under stubbornly high unemployment and sluggish growth, emerging-market economies are growing strongly, bolstering demand for fuel.『26words』

28、Already emerging as one of the stars of the Asian Cup, Koo seems set to form a long-term partnership with another impressive emerging Korean midfielder, Ki Sung-Yueng.『27words』

29、WHO must continue to help its Member States respond to public health emergencies and risks, including newly emerging and re-emerging diseases, pandemics and the threat from climate change.『28words』

30、On emerging from that black and deformed thing which is called the galleys, the Bishop had hurt his soul, as too vivid a light would have hurt his eyes on emerging from the dark.『34words』

