

1、Red banners fluttered freely.『4words』

2、floating thistledown; floating banners.『4words』

3、pennant / banners and flags『5words』

4、Swords brandished and banners waved.『5words』

5、Banner styles create simple advertising banners.『6words』



6、Welcome banners streched across the street.『6words』

7、The crowd chanted slogans and waved banners.『7words』

8、Obtain banners from your sponsor Rotary club.『7words』

9、Signs, banners, end rods and anvils mirrored incorrectly.『8words』

10、It's a child's finger bearded in black banners.『8words』



11、Warning banners shall be set for maintenance to avoid accidents;『10words』

12、Fans regularly sport banners proclaiming that "Catalonia is not Spain".『10words』

13、When their flags and banners move about chaotically, they can be attacked.『12words』

14、Unfortunately for them, they inadvertently showed footage of people holding pro-Paris banners.『12words』

15、To create a banner for denied access, first create the /etc/banners/deny directory.『12words』

16、They carry no weapons, wave no banners, chant no stately measures of poesy.『13words』

17、People put up these big banners "I protect my pretty house, protect my pretty house."『15words』

18、Provide advertising and product support such as banners for projects, promotional materials, corporate give-away, sponsorships and others.『17words』

19、The eight-sided design is a symbol of the organization of the Manchus into eight qi's or banners.『17words』

20、A mother' s tears I see in a dream, On the city wall the warlords' banners keep changing;『18words』



21、There was a riotous interlude while posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds and trampled underfoot.『19words』

22、You are as beautiful as Tirzah, my darling, As lovely as Jerusalem, As awesome as an army with banners.『19words』

23、More banners: now there are a total of 252 of them. Kingdom banners are restricted, all the rest are available.『20words』

24、Transformable acoustical devices including curtains and banners have also been added to ensure high clarity of sound for various types of performances.『22words』

25、and the heads of the governments of the 155 ethnic autonomous regions, prefectures and counties (or banners) are all from ethnic minority groups.『23words』

26、Next on our list is banner display-we can hang our company banners or streamers in strategic areas, and with our company logo on it.『24words』

27、Trick banners are banners that fool the user to click on them by disguising themselves as an ordinary application window or a site navigation method.『25words』

28、The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions, the St Louis Cardinals.『27words』

29、Almost every city in Japan has slogans and banners hanging on its streets. Every morning or evening, many people gather spontaneously to hold a parade to celebrate.『27words』

30、Entering the long river in May, how many lights and electric scratches break the darkness before dawn, how many thunders and fires have condensed into a gorgeous youth, reflecting a magnificent life with banners and banners.『36words』

