

1、their crippled daughter『3words』

2、My crippled grandmother was dancing.『5words』

3、She was crippled by arthritis.『5words』

4、He was severely crippled and very short,『7words』

5、And Edgewood's public schools were not crippled.『7words』



6、Free speech is crippled all the way.『7words』

7、She was crippled in the car accident.『7words』

8、The banking sector, already fragile, was crippled.『7words』

9、people who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped.『8words』

10、They could be crippled by their pension liabilities.『8words』



11、He will die as he lived, crippled (by irony.)『9words』

12、At the time, Basic was a fairly crippled language.『9words』

13、In1998, Ontario residents were crippled by a severe ice storm.『10words』

14、Analysis on causes of crippled women of childbearing age in Henan『11words』

15、Mr. Easton was crippled in an accident and had to leave his job.『13words』

16、The Banks' troubles have not yet crippled the supply of loans to companies.『13words』

17、He spent his last years crippled by strokes, desperately trying to pay off his debts.『15words』

18、My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.『16words』

19、Sure, I'm a veritable genius when I'm on the grid, but am I mentally crippled when I'm not?『18words』

20、Most surprising, perhaps, maddeningly ungovernable Belgium is being held up by many as a model for debt-crippled euro-zone governments.『19words』



21、Yet despite heroic efforts to repair and rebuild, Japan's car industry is still crippled. And that could have global consequences.『20words』

22、A failure of the cooling system that has crippled the entire plant led to water boiling in the No4 pool.『20words』

23、And Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he always ate at the king's table, and he was crippled in both feet.『20words』

24、The move follows an abortive bid by Porsche to take over its lager rival who left it crippled with debts.『20words』

25、He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare.『23words』

26、The autumn is cold, the moon is crippled and the wind is blowing. The ordinary scenery in the poets'writings exudes a touch of sadness.『24words』

27、Lai Lai( Welcome): Right fore hand crippled permanently. Can only leap weakly. Now shivering in a small cage shared with a couple of other dogs.『25words』

28、It's hard to understand why they would not be affected, whereas dinosaurs were left too crippled to cope, especially if, as some scientists believe, dinosaurs were warm-blooded.『27words』

29、Faster and faster he ran, carrying the little crippled boy on his back. Faster and harder he ran across the park. Harder and harder he made his legs travel.『29words』

30、As a result of the lending excesses of the 1980s, which left a legacy of heavy indebtedness and crippled financial institutions, U.S. banks and other lenders had tightened lending standards in the 1990s.『33words』

