

1、Something imagined or pretended.『4words』

2、I never imagined your Eng.『5words』

3、They were not imagined distinctions.『5words』

4、Could Plato have imagined such a regime?『7words』

5、I haven't imagined so flippancy I was.『7words』



6、The couple imagined their life at 50.『7words』

7、But once I imagined Heidi visiting me.『7words』

8、The stage is bigger than we imagined.『7words』

9、Things haven't turned out exactly as I imagined.『8words』

10、The problem is not as complicated as he imagined.『9words』



11、We never imagined that David would become a lawyer.『9words』

12、If you imagined —; So, here is his calculations.『9words』

13、Another means of relaxation is cognitive reappraisal of imagined outcomes.『10words』

14、When they worried, their worries tended to be over genuine, not imagined, troubles.『13words』

15、In his novel "dune", Frank Herbert imagined a planet covered largely by sand dunes.『14words』

16、A more exact word cannot be imagined. Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined.『15words』

17、They imagined the existence of a physical medium - the ether - filling all of space.『16words』

18、Quite a few powerful vector graphics formats were available before SVG was first imagined around 2001.『16words』

19、In fact, all communities larger than primordial villages of face-to-face contact (and perhaps even these) are imagined.『17words』

20、When Deng Kun was in college studying biomedical engineering, he imagined himself working for a company like GE.『18words』



21、I opened the oilcloth with exceptional caution, and I imagined that I was appreciating a huge commemorative stamps.『18words』

22、Three years later, OLPC appears to be changing the computer industry, although not in the way its founders imagined.『19words』

23、In this imagined world, they know how to become lost, and re-orientate with an imagined map, and define their identities.『20words』

24、I was so impressed by the ebullient atmosphere that I imagined the Qingdao Expo. in 2014 would be how wonderful.『20words』

25、She imagined his story as a series of seven books, each spanning a year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.『22words』

26、I imagined putting his wedding ring on the cane table so that the bird would swoop down and carry it away forever.『22words』

27、I feared they'd both be hit by oncoming traffic, and imagined my happily married life about to end, all because of a little dog.『24words』

28、We fill in the model with imagined values on the model variables and calculate a comparison value in the dimension of the known quantity.『24words』

29、He had known that the moment must come sooner or later, but he had somewhat imagined that by force of willing he might hold it at bay.『27words』

30、Human life is neither as good as imagined, nor as bad as imagined. Behind everyone's heart, there will be bitterness and unspeakable hardships. Everyone will have their own tears to wipe, they will have their own way to go.『39words』

