

1、self-financed projects『2words』

2、a privately financed project.『4words』

3、non-UNDP-financed technical cooperation expenditures『4words』

4、The company was skillfully financed.『5words』

5、The Rationality of Industry-financed Agriculture Strategy;『6words』



6、The programs are financed by advertising.『6words』

7、The campaign was financed mainly through voluntary.『7words』

8、Often this has been financed with large borrowings.『8words』

9、You have enjoyed a debt-financed spending spree .『8words』

10、The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.『8words』



11、Siauliai CCIC is financed by voluntary membership and services fees.『10words』

12、post financed from reimbursement for support to extrabudgetary administrative structures『10words』

13、The Township Government′s Role Orientation in the Stage of Industry-financed Agriculture;『11words』

14、“american-financed and produced films, however, continued to dominate the screens of the world."『13words』

15、Why? Senior physics professors have well-financed LABS with five to 10 Ph.D.-student researchers.『13words』

16、Finally, Nanyang Fleet, initiated by Zuo Zongtang and financed by Hu Xueyan, was completely annihilated.『15words』

17、Thus, the deficit has to be financed by reduced domestic investment or by increased foreign borrowing.『16words』

18、Thus, Nanyang Fleet, initiated by Zuo Zongtang and financed by hu Xueyan, was completely outplayed and annihilated.『17words』

19、Medicaid, the scheme for the poor, is organised at the state level but co-financed with Uncle Sam.『17words』

20、Industry-financed Agriculture: The Strategy′s Transition and Policy Preference of the Mid-term Stage of the Industrialization in China;『17words』



21、And if history is any guide, the coming taxpayer-financed bailout will end up costing a lot of money.『18words』

22、And few were privy to the problems because the program was financed in the secret part of the Pentagon budget.『20words』

23、The project is financed by the MCE-5 DEVELOPMENT Company, by major automotive suppliers and OEMs and by license granting to carmakers.『21words』

24、Morgan Stanley's John Mack hypocritically branded the practice-which his firm had long financed as a prime broker - "immoral if not illegal".『22words』

25、Major oil companies and other big corporate interests are also playing this game, and have financed disreputable PR campaigns against climate science.『22words』

26、Geron was able to ask for permission, and the FDA was able to grant it, because the ban does not apply to privately financed research.『25words』

27、Meanwhile income from a flourishing black economy financed the building of second homes on the islands, in Greece's Arcadian heartland or moved into bank accounts abroad.『26words』

28、The total project cost was estimated at appraisal to be US$147.34 million, financed by the IBRD loan of US$100 million and the government of China. The project financed『28words』

29、But a single clause tucked in the 74-page deal agreement set off a series of increasingly dire events that nearly scuttled the rescue brokered and financed by the Fed.『29words』

30、And in eastern Burkina Faso, we visited a project of Helen Keller International, financed by the United States aid agency, that shows village women how to grow gardens of high-nutrition vegetables.『31words』

