

1、The italics were his own.『5words』

2、printed in italics, capitals, etc『5words』

3、There's a lot of italics.『5words』

4、The title is printed in italics.『6words』

5、This example is printed in italics.『6words』



6、These areas are shown in italics.『6words』

7、Not enough purple italics. . . .『7words』

8、Examples in this dictionary are in italics.『7words』

9、The function call is set again in italics.『8words』

10、You can make the text bold, italics and add pictures.『10words』



11、Suggested questions to elucidate understanding are given in black in italics.『11words』

12、The special values within API syntax examples are shown in italics.『11words』

13、Key contributions of each author, in my view, are emphasized in italics.『12words』

14、Rich text, such as colored fonts, different-sized fonts, bold, underline, and italics『12words』

15、Example: in a text in italics, and also this this has the same italics formatting.『15words』

16、Example: to delete the italics from a text in italics take out the tags and.『15words』

17、He was not just away in Cornish, he was also above. (The italics were his own.)『16words』

18、Example: a text in italics, that is underlined could become a text underlined, that is in italics.『17words』

19、Red text with italics (not shown in the example) indicates an item likely to cause accessibility problems.『17words』

20、The user-defined predicate is associated to the function equalString, as shown in italics in Listing 5. 『17words』



21、Minimize the use of ALL CAPS and italics as they are much harder to read on screen.『17words』

22、The effect of his overenergetic prose style also becomes wearying: every other noun seems to be in italics.『18words』

23、the Stack Overflow specific changes (such as stricter italics/bold) are configurable, so you can toggle them on and off.『19words』

24、It appears in italics at the beginning of an ability that triggers whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control.『21words』

25、Its trademark is the use of italics in the oval H, H is the English name HYUNDAI Hyundai's first capital letter.『21words』

26、Major headings and terms in bold and italics: words in major heading tags and words in bold and italics will also influence your ranking.『24words』

27、B Write these sentences again using have with the verbs in italics. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise.『24words』

28、The anarchy and commotion of the '60s were given voice in the exploding exclamation marks, riotous capital letters and Day-Glo italics of Tom Wolfe's spraypaint prose;『26words』

29、Contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics.『26words』

30、This allows you to set your chat text to a color, bold, italics, underline; to increase or decrease font size; to insert a smiley; or to change the text background color on your chat text.『35words』

