


2、Don't omit to tell him.『5words』

3、And don’t omit a camera.『5words』

4、omit a letter in a word『6words』

5、You can omit the Max parameter.『6words』



6、In writing telegrams, omit superfluous words.『6words』

7、Try and omit completely from the diet.『7words』

8、They omit red meat, fish and poultry.『7words』

9、A common syntax error is to omit a parenthesis.『9words』

10、Therefore, for simplicity, you can omit selecting a binding.『9words』



11、Don't omit this paragraph when you write your report.『9words』

12、They omit eggs as well as meat, fish and poultry.『10words』

13、If you omit the file name, the document is displayed.『10words』

14、You can specify either to either draw or to omit it.『11words』

15、Low-fidelity prototypes omit details, use cheaper materials, or use different interaction techniques.『12words』

16、Sometimes, it makes sense to omit the from clause from a query.『12words』

17、Used to omit large tables for which reorganization would be very time consuming and expensive.『15words』

18、1 tablespoon plain low-fat or nonfat yogurt (or omit and use 4 tablespoons olive oil).『15words』

19、Now, connect to the daemon from another machine, and omit a module name. You should see this.『17words』

20、Hence, the form for a flit must check whether the title field is enabled and otherwise omit it.『18words』



21、You can also omit part of an extensive job history if it isn't related to the job you're seeking.『19words』

22、Gentle Reader, -It is customary to omit prefaces. I beg you to make an exception in my particular case.『19words』

23、Other hospitals and practitioners omit routine IVs and instead wait until there is a clear need before hooking you up.『20words』

24、If your application requires no inrush protection, simply omit C1, R1, R2, and Q1 and connect S1 between the reference input and 0v.『23words』

25、I had better omit to translate 小平,您好! into English, for the English equivalent in form would lose much of the Chinese original in essence.『24words』

26、Others, however, are reluctant to omit the tonal qualities of the two components because they have been used routinely over years and readers expect them.『25words』

27、The results showed that compared with GCMs, RCM combined with the crop model could omit the intercurrent process of stochastic weather generator and decrease the assessment uncertainty.『27words』

28、In the course of constructing fatigue load spectrum, how to omit the small loads not to make damage is a problem paid attention to all the time.『27words』

29、In this way we can take good advantage of the storage location of the residual division in EPROM omit the facility of decoders and decrease the rate of the error.『30words』

30、If you can reasonably conclude that a test is unnecessary (for instance, even machines with bytes larger than 8 bits are still required to have sizeof (char) be 1), you can omit the test entirely.『35words』

