

1、Input issues and idioms『4words』

2、Display issues and idioms『4words』

3、Some languages abound in idioms.『5words』

4、The English language abounds in idioms.『6words』

5、On interpretting english idioms without real understanding;『7words』



6、Good idioms must be learned only once『7words』

7、Cultural Translation of English Idioms(Ⅰ)--Cultural features of English idioms『9words』

8、Idiomatic patterns represent common design idioms in your code.『9words』

9、This process can be done with different programming idioms.『9words』

10、I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.『9words』



11、This section discusses these idioms and their appropriate uses.『9words』

12、It is simple and very well suited to Python idioms.『10words』

13、Chinese idioms; English idioms; translation; culture connotation; original language; target language.『11words』

14、I find it hard to learn idioms and some useful expressions.『11words』

15、On the translation of English and Chinese idioms and the context of culture『13words』

16、The application of the theory of equivalent translation in E/C translation of idioms『13words』

17、When the user population splits on preferred idioms, the software designers must offer both idioms.『15words』

18、The Study of American English Idioms──Concurrently on the compiling principles of dictionaries of English idioms『15words』

19、As we’ve said, all idioms must be learned, but good idioms need be learned only once.『16words』

20、We call this generated API and the set of idioms to use it the programming model.『16words』



21、With logical argumentation and convincing examples, the author proves that culture and idioms are both translatable.『16words』

22、Dials and sliders are idioms borrowed directly from Mechanical-Age metaphors of rotating knobs and sliding levers.『16words』

23、Verbal idioms of separate-combinative valence can be classified semantically into two classes: attribute idioms and act idioms.『17words』

24、Inhibiting factors of the borrowing of English idioms--A case study of the translation of idioms in "Comprehensive Chinese-English Dictionary";『19words』

25、Idioms have distinct national and cultural characteristics. It is not easy to achieve equivalent translation effect between English and Chinese idioms.『21words』

26、Touch screens should also avoid idioms that involve dragging; single-tap idioms are easier to control and more obvious (when given proper affordance) to novice users.『25words』

27、The concise Oxford dictionary of idioms received a lot of, because, for users to grasp the correct meaning of idioms and the correct usage is very necessary.『27words』

28、The brilliance of these idioms is that they coexist quite peacefully with each other. Any user can freely intermix the two idioms, or stick consistently with one or the other.『30words』

29、New idioms (as well as new uses for old idioms) pose a risk, which is why careful, Goal-Directed Design and appropriate testing with real users in real working conditions are so important.『32words』

30、Before diving into the details of contemporary menu idioms, it’s useful to look back and examine the path we’ve taken in the development of modern interaction idioms as a basis for our understanding of menus’ strengths and potential pitfalls.『39words』

