1、Rice grows in warm climates.『5words』
2、Do healthful climates interest you?『5words』
3、meteorology of climates and their phenomena.『6words』
4、Lizards live mostly in warm climates.『6words』
5、Step 2: Research the best climates.『6words』
6、Warm clothing is necessary in cold climates.『7words』
7、Paleoclimatology is the study and description of ancient climates.『9words』
8、With adequately-heated shelter they do well in cold climates.『9words』
9、Bamboo is a giant grass that grows in warm climates.『10words』
10、Previous eruptions have had a lasting impact on global climates.『10words』
11、Of course climate change is real, climates are always changing.『10words』
12、Overall, housing design should differ in cool climates and warm climates.『11words』
13、People build different houses to adapt to different climates and purpose.『11words』
14、In warm climates human beings mature more rapidly than in cold climates.『12words』
15、Ocean currents affect the climates of the land near which they flow.『12words』
16、Do healthful climates interest you? South Island is the place to be.『12words』
17、In warm climates a shelf in the garage or carport will do fine.『13words』
18、The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian life.『14words』
19、It had long been widely held that the varieties of humankind reflected the action of different climates.『17words』
20、In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside.『17words』
21、In adapting to extreme climates, like Maine in the winter time, animals can evolve in pretty interesting ways.『18words』
22、Extreme changes in daily and seasonal climates preceded the retreat of the seas back into the major ocean basins.『19words』
23、Jamaican climate is one of the best suit climates for travelers that are coming here from all around the world.『20words』
24、No corporation with an ounce of social responsibility announces layoffs in the worst of economic climates to satisfy the insatiable appetite of shareholders.『23words』
25、With those instruments, the crew will be able to study global climates, land and sea formations and crop weather damage like never before.『23words』
26、Based on sufficient electricity, livable climates and stable geology, the prefecture strives to improve electronic information industry with big data playing a leading role.『24words』
27、Blueberries are generally grown in northern climates with cool winters and mild summers. But some newer varieties do well in very cool or very warm climates.『26words』
28、Over a period of about 100,000 years, while the seas pulled back, climates around the world became dramatically more extreme: warmer days, cooler nights; hotter summers, colder winters.『28words』
29、Residents of poor countries with better than average investment climates sent only one sixth as much capital out of the country as residents of countries with worse-than-average investment climates.『29words』
30、China has a large territory with clear monsoon and continental climates. The climates in different regions in China vary greatly — thus, the changes of the four seasons vary greatly.『30words』