

1、justly; impartially; disinterestedly『3words』

2、They were justly punished.『4words』

3、He has been justly rewarded.『5words』

4、A gentle judge judges justly.『5words』

5、TV news justly receives much criticism.『6words』



6、their properties had been justly distributed.『6words』

7、They dealt with the problem justly.『6words』

8、Lincoln is justly considered our greatest President.『7words』

9、Not justly representing or reflecting the original;inaccurate.『7words』

10、You can be justly proud of your achievement.『8words』



11、We are justly proud of our new achievement.『8words』

12、The president could justly claim the Democrates were also progressives.『10words』

13、Righteous he is a righteous man, he always behaves justly.『10words』

14、Indiana calls itself "the cross roads of America", a motto justly deserved.『12words』

15、Bertha was quite justly annoyed that her husband should have caught her napping soundly.『14words』

16、And most important, fourth, information customers, who will justly demand privacy?Afford ability and choice.『14words』

17、It is the most important contribution for the country to deal with things justly.『14words』

18、“Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; if you speak, speak accordingly. -- B. Franklin"『16words』

19、No man can justly censure or condemn another, because indeed no man truly knows another (Thomas Browne).『17words』

20、We are living in a period of grace while God withholds the eternal punishment we so justly deserve.『18words』



21、Always insisted that promotes justly is compelled vast to the dead end, in turn collaborates unexpectedly with the mountain.『19words』

22、This is the sum of the several chief objections and difficulties which may be justly urged against the theory.『19words』

23、God had chosen them to show the world how to live right and judge justly, but they were failing miserably.『20words』

24、We should use the judge model that is objective primarily and subjective secondarily in order to evaluate necessity justly and wisely.『21words』

25、They not only form a link with home but also strengthen those traditions which England stands for, and of which English people should justly be proud.『26words』

26、Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was thinking justly or doing right.『26words』

27、Varsovians are justly proud of it—but most visitors to the Polish capital never see it; they are too busy going around the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising.『27words』

28、Grant me that approval, and I will give part of my gains to your Mr. Richards, whose invulnerable probity you have so justly and so cordially recognised tonight;『28words』

29、I thought that the city was then living a kind of life which was unjust and that they would bend it to a just one and so administer it more justly.『31words』

30、This distinction could more justly be claimed by some mariners -- a part of the crew of the vessel from the Spanish Main -- who had come ashore to see the humors of Election Day.『35words』

