

1、meat swimming in gravy『4words』

2、Can't you call it gravy『5words』

3、French fries served with gravy.『5words』

4、Stuffing, mostly breadcrumbs, corn, and gravy.『6words』

5、Hakka style braised chicken in gravy『6words』



6、That's gravy. But don't confuse the two.『7words』

7、Skim the fat off from the gravy.『7words』

8、I'll have a chicken pie with gravy.『7words』

9、You'd better skim the fat from the gravy.『8words』

10、The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat,『8words』



11、Once we break even, the rest will be gravy.『9words』

12、There was a smear of gravy on his chin.『9words』

13、She made some gravy to pour over the roast beef.『10words』

14、The business community wants, of course, to stay on the gravy train.『12words』

15、To prepare(poultry or meat) by cutting into pieces and stewing in gravy.『12words』

16、Another favourite way to eat rice noodles is with meat, vegetables and thick gravy.『14words』

17、Never do silly things like burp or pour gravy on your fingers or something silly.『15words』

18、The salt and pepper shakers and the gravy boat had to be within easy reach.『15words』

19、There''ll be ample salt in that gravy already, you don't need tears in it as well!『16words』

20、Astronomers figure that the galaxy gobbling that resulted also served as a gravy train for black holes.『17words』



21、KD colostrum milk powder may be mixed directly into prepared food such as rice, oatmeal, gravy or soup.『18words』

22、After the pancakes, waffles, and French toast, I think I'll have an omelet and some biscuits and gravy.『18words』

23、This approach may have provided a nice gravy train but firms need to take risks to innovate for the future.『20words』

24、Mind you, don't have one of Knotts Berry Farm's chicken dinners beforehand with generous dollops of gravy pooled into mashed potato.『21words』

25、This holiday meal is as traditional as it gets. Turkey is filled with a delicious corn bread stuffing and served with gravy.『22words』

26、In addition, gravy and broth is one of the most important factors for the assessment of heterocyclic aromatic amine content of the daily intake.『24words』

27、Not only is it a turkey, but we're eating it with all the things you traditionally eat with Christmas roast turkey: cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, gravy, stuffing, carrots.『28words』

28、Boiling water added with gravy packet, green onion and ginger, then simmering for 40 minutes, then gravy packet, green onion and ginger were removed and was ready for stew;『29words』

29、Now I use the gravy boat just as she had, taking it carefully from the shelf and filling it just as she did with dark, rich Turkey gravy for family dinners and other special occasions.『35words』

30、Grits look like white, lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall-paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter, salt, and gravy (especially red-eye gravy, which is made with pan drippings and coffee).『36words』

