


2、impunity from market risks『4words』

3、It was parading its impunity.『5words』

4、One cannot commit crimes with impunity.『6words』

5、This is a culture of impunity.『6words』



6、Prejudice and oppression now occurs with impunity.『7words』

7、 One cannot commit crimes with impunity.『7words』

8、No one can flout the law with impunity.『8words』

9、How can such messages be spread with impunity『8words』

10、Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose.『8words』



11、Landlords were simply ignoring the law, and with impunity.『9words』

12、A ten-thousand-year fit of bad temper, the island ignores with impunity.『11words』

13、This led people to conclude that they could misbehave with impunity.『11words』

14、Though illegal under international law, the bans are generally applied with impunity.『12words』

15、The CIA, by contrast, has a culture of impunity-blame is Shared and institutionalized.『13words』

16、They have allowed America to finance its massive current-account deficit with apparent impunity.『13words』

17、I will use the old way is fine impunityimpunity, said the good formidable ah.『14words』

18、The fifth part is the reason for impunity of the afterwards act of impunity.『14words』

19、The time has come to put an end to impunity and welcome justice back into Argentina society.『17words』

20、If you have 100 percent code coverage on your project, you can refactor your code with impunity.『17words』



21、I should gorge them with gold, I should grant them impunity for their crimes, and they be grateful.『18words』

22、Their disposition to comply voluntarily will diminish as they learn that others are with impunity renouncing burdens they are assuming.『20words』

23、It is true that international law is sometimes broken with impunity; but the same could be said of any legal system.『21words』

24、Anyone can ill-treat these girls with impunity. They are the lowest of the low, the scapegoats of the foremen and the thugs.『22words』

25、Will Obama sign and abide by the Kyoto agreement, or will he continue to allow the biggest polluter on the planet to pollute with impunity『25words』

26、In Guatemala, impunity has created a bewildering swirl of competing stories and rumors, allowing powerful interests not only to cloak history but also to fabricate it.『26words』

27、“I want to be perfectly clear," Mr. Ban said. "This tribunal is independent, with a clear mandate from the Security Council to uncover the truth and end impunity.『28words』

28、In order to say a few words on this, her officers to contradict the grounds of impunity, I stand in the corridor from 1400 to the closure to sleep.『29words』

29、The law says they cannot kill with impunity. But in the slums of Venezuela a separate set of rules applies, which all too often allows police officers to do just that.『31words』

30、People who confuse right and wrong, who turn black into white, and who start rumours and spread slanders can't be allowed to go around with impunity stirring the masses up to make trouble.『33words』

