

1、Isolation always haunted her.『4words』

2、Her eyes were haunted.『4words』

3、That cry haunted me.『4words』

4、This is a haunted house.『5words』

5、He haunted the clay aisles.『5words』



6、be haunted by the furies of『6words』

7、She was haunted with his mortality.『6words』

8、He was haunted with gloomy thoughts.『6words』

9、Oh! Nelly, the room is haunted『6words』

10、Lying awake long afterward, my words haunted me.『8words』



11、I still haven't and I'm almost haunted by it.『9words』

12、He haunted famous men,hoping to get celebrity for himself.『9words』

13、Our army was haunted and the enemy was bewildered.『9words』

14、They are haunted by war memories and by images of violence.『11words』

15、Recently, thieves have been haunted and destroyed the local public order.『11words』

16、New Bern was haunted now. Haunted by the ghost of her memory.『12words』

17、sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth.『15words』

18、Amos is haunted by a vision: "I don't want to lose any Marines to distraction."『15words』

19、a man hagridden by the future-haunted by visions of an imminent heaven or hell upon earth(C.S.Lewis)『16words』

20、Apartments will retain their appeal for a while for Millennials, haunted by what happened to home-owning parents.『17words』



21、That is clear from the contentious debate over the Property Law that has haunted the NPC for years.『18words』

22、The reeds of the white flowers scattered in layers, swaying with the wings of countless birds that haunted them.『19words』

23、Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs from a childhood that was now history.『21words』

24、Meanwhile, her words haunted me, urging me to action, until one night at his apartment, I felt ready to give voice to my feelings.『24words』

25、Based on the new film from Universal Pictures featuring Oscar (r) winner Benicio Del Toro as a haunted nobleman who discovers a horrifying destiny.『24words』

26、” Natural philosophy, he lamented,“ Will clip an Angel's wings/ Conquer all mysteries by rule and line/ Empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine/ Unweave a rainbow.『27words』

27、While the presence of supernatural spirits may be up for debate, one thing is certain: This 6,720-square-foot home in Knights Landing, Calif., is haunted by its past.『27words』

28、The first of our haunted castles -tamworth castle is haunted by the Black Lady and the White Lady, both of whom are seen or heard regularly on the castle grounds.『30words』

29、Her thoughts have already flown to a distant place, the place where her soul is haunted by dreams, the person who makes her unable to sleep at night, and the person who accompanies her for a lifetime.『37words』

30、Every "haunted" house in St. Petersburg and the neighboring villages was dissected, plank by plank, and its foundations dug up and ransacked for hidden treasure -- and not by boys, but men -- pretty grave, unromantic men, too, some of them.『41words』

