

1、notably higher prices『3words』

2、Employees' productivity would decrease notably.『5words』

3、They were not notably overworked.『5words』

4、Loans for financial concerns shrank notably.『6words』

5、Neighbouring states, notably India, are uneasy.『6words』



6、Curis o'Keefe, he remembered, was notably devout.『7words』

7、This is notably different from RSS 1.0.『7words』

8、This leads to undesirable results, most notably.『7words』

9、Therefore, Vietnamese culture is notably characterized by diversity.『8words』

10、The house had many drawbacks, most notably its price.『9words』



11、The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.『9words』

12、This show has several strengths — notably a strong cast.『10words』

13、Some countries may have come in unprepared, notably Bulgaria and Romania.『11words』

14、Montana, which has a notably populist governor, has been pushing especially hard.『12words』

15、In contemporary times, the aestheticism and consumption culture is notably incorporated into each other.『14words』

16、The master's arm performed until it was tired and the stock of switches notably diminished.『15words』

17、Following the constant increase in the resident's incomes, the people's consumption level has gone up notably.『16words』

18、The behaviour of some materials, notably structural steel, can often be approximated by a stres-strain curve.『16words』

19、Governments that still have large budget deficits, notably in central and eastern Europe, must wield the axe.『17words』

20、The trade laws did prohibit Anglo-Americans from competing with large-scale British manufacturing of certain products, most notably clothing.『18words』



21、the paper has been notably kinder to Mr Kan since the former LDP finance minister joined the cabinet.『18words』

22、There are some areas where universities could be reined in-notably America's system of favouring the children of alumni.『18words』

23、Other 9/11 projects are on the way as the fifth anniversary of the attacks approaches, most notably Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center".『22words』

24、The first Cynics were a group of ancient Greek philosophers, most notably Diogenes, who caustically denounced the established culture of their time.『22words』

25、However, the expression level of GSK gene in root at the seedling stage decreased notably under drought stress whereas kept stable in leaf.『23words』

26、It is considered that the Meishan Group is notably different from the Foziling Group and the Carboniferous in respect of rock association and...『23words』

27、Toward the end of the 1980s, some economists spoke of a "productivity paradox": despite huge IT investments, most notably in the service sectors, productivity stagnated.『25words』

28、That is true elsewhere in Asia too, but several South-East Asian countries-notably indonesia-are afflicted by corrupt and unreliable judicial systems, making it difficult to enforce contracts.『26words』

29、The trip was intended to bring to the world's attention the fact that AIDS is not just an African disease; it's also endangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand.『29words』

30、The text is introduced that the crack resistance and impermeability resistance can be improve notably of concrete with polyacrylonitrile( PAN) fiber, and the improvement of durability for deck concrete with polyacrylonitrile( PAN) fiber, which will offer reference to related designers.『40words』

