

1、No one escapes unscathed.『4words』

2、His name escapes my memory.『5words』

3、Something that escapes by leaking.『5words』

4、Melodious music escapes out the door.『6words』

5、American abolitionist Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery.『7words』



6、Hiss name escapes me for the moment.『7words』

7、The police were hard behind the escapes.『7words』

8、Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.『9words』

9、A sock escapes from the clothes line to go clubbing…『10words』

10、No one escapes the twinkling eyes or the innocent smile.『10words』



11、The plumbers blocked off the gas pipe to check escapes.『10words』

12、Sometimes tiny fractures appear at the surface, and gas escapes.『10words』

13、Imagine your neighbor has a dog that regularly escapes her yard.『11words』

14、The tiger escapes from the zoo and runs amok for hours『11words』

15、Or do you procrastinate, using food, shopping, or sleeping as easy escapes『12words』

16、Niu Dabao wakes up like a dream and escapes rolling and climbing.『12words』

17、Those who have lost loved ones tell me that one never completely escapes it.『14words』

18、Fame escapes from one who runs after it, But pursues one who escapes from it.『15words』

19、One who is well-pleasing to God escapes from her, but the sinner is taken by her.『16words』

20、He escapes and climbs to the top of the Empire State Building, where he is killed by airplanes.『18words』



21、He worked pro bono, but for others arranging escapes to the West became an industry, with some sharp practices.『19words』

22、Simply slide the tube out of the Exo Terra Cricket Pen and drop the flapper down to prevent escapes.『19words』

23、The indefinite, which is born from the human and divine combination of the infinite and the finite, escapes them.『19words』

24、It is by no means true that life on the immanent plane creates an anxiety from which man escapes through the spirit.『22words』

25、In some binary star systems, gas escapes from one star and is captured by the gravity of the other to form a disk.『23words』

26、The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.『23words』

27、Who could have conceived that the iron-framed lofts and black fire escapes of SoHo would become as precious in their conservation as Venice?『23words』

28、Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.『28words』

29、The snow on the commercial plaque can not enjoy the warm sunshine and greed. It turns silently and shyly into a clear stream and runs down the plaque and escapes into the earth.『33words』

30、“The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis. Pinhead Blisters or pimplelike Bumps occur mostly on the trunk and limbs and cause itching and Burning. It mainly affects infants in tropical climates. "『40words』

