

1、distributive and service trades『4words』

2、He trades in meat.『4words』

3、Britain trades with many countries.『5words』

4、Illicit trades should be outlawed.『5words』

5、(6) Tourism and service trades.『5words』



6、Ratos now trades at a premium.『6words』

7、In this scenario, trades are randomly generated.『7words』

8、This shop trades in paper and stationery.『7words』

9、What if you make some foolish trades『7words』

10、was caught up in trades involving tulips.『7words』



11、Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts.『8words』

12、It is suggested that other Banks did similar trades.『9words』

13、Rectify malpractice in various trades;To correct unhealthy practices (tendencies)『9words』

14、Only then do they program their computers to make trades.『10words』

15、Note how total trades (in Figure 10) shows only 49994 trades.『11words』

16、A person who is a sack of all trades has many skills.『12words』

17、The industrial trades are now being homogenized, and it is a general trend.『13words』

18、“You have to be a jack-of-all-trades up here," a local later told me.『13words』

19、In an initial stage of joining the WTO, various trades in China will be effected differently.『16words』

20、Also keep in mind that any examples referring to long trades can be equally applicable to short trades.『18words』



21、These winning trades return a profit equal to the median profit on the winning trades used in the first column.『20words』

22、Without cash on hand, the firm can't facilitate trades for its clients or meet margin calls for its own proprietary trades.『21words』

23、The ISDA, which arranges trades for derivatives, said it was allowing customers to make trades and unwind positions linked to Lehman.『21words』

24、The results show that the liquidity is enhanced after forward splits due to small trades and declines after reverse splits due to total trades.『24words』

25、I would think that most winning trades are not quite as great as what you see here, and many losing trades are a lot worse.『25words』

26、The Comparison system is a system whereby securities firms enter information on price negotiations in outright trades conducted at their business premises and confirm the contents of such trades.『29words』

27、Our application will have three main pieces of functionality - the distribution of real-time market data information, the creation of new trades, and the retrieval of a portfolio of trades.『30words』

28、Trades executed online will be confirmed online at the time of the trade and trades entered into by telephone will be confirmed verbally and online by the end of the Business Day.『32words』

29、The second part: the third chapter deals with the influence of after-break trades and continuous trades on intraday volatility, and the influence of call auction and continuous auction on the opening and closing price volatility.『35words』

30、Investigation repon of “The service level of window trades and the popularization of the common spoken Chinese in Chongqing City" The research group of "The service level of window trades and the popularization of the common spoken Chinese in;『39words』

