

1、alleged internationally wrongful act『4words』

2、They articled his alleged crimes.『5words』

3、A legitimate or alleged right.『5words』

4、Kremlin again alleged spying by Western newsmen.『7words』

5、In his defense he alleged temporary insanity.『7words』



6、In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.『7words』

7、He faced charges arising from alleged financial irregularities.『8words』

8、She is alleged to have stolen a TV.『8words』

9、He alleged that they were going to rob him.『9words』

10、Their alleged shenanigans included rigged salaries, outlandish expenses and perks.『10words』



11、There apparently was no higher principle motivating Mr.Hanssen's alleged treachery.『10words』

12、He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him.『11words』

13、Zawahiri has alleged that his former comrade was tortured into recanting.『11words』

14、Secondly, the CDC issued official warnings stating they had never confirmed these alleged reports.『14words』

15、Three alleged accomplices have been arrested on suspicion of money-laundering and conspiring to defraud bookmakers.『15words』

16、This saw hundreds of women persecuted and sometimes executed, for alleged involvement in black magic.『15words』

17、Appellant, the alleged donee in this case, had a long relationship with a decedent, the alleged donor.『17words』

18、Bad response: "We already comped your meal after your alleged 'near-death experience' from mussels in our award-winning restaurant."『18words』

19、Claimants would seek orders blocking access to websites alleged to contain defamatory allegations or private and confidential information.『18words』

20、Patients may lodge complaints to the medical Council where alleged professional misconduct of the medical practitioner is involved.『18words』



21、One case involves an alleged secret corporate donation, another involves the alleged misuse of public funds by the party.『19words』

22、One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the patent and Trademark Office (PTO),...『19words』

23、The Alien Tort Statute permits foreign citizens to Sue in US courts for alleged bad deeds committed on international soil.『20words』

24、This century 40 time end, somebody of American IBM company begins to study homocentric circle (alleged ox eye) code marks, use at commodity.『23words』

25、Be cognizant of the rights of alleged perpetrators and personnel within the scope of the investigation and the reputation of the organization itself.『23words』

26、Even when no unfair practices are alleged, the simple claim that an industry has been injured by imports is sufficient grounds to seek relief.『24words』

27、If the alleged subsidy is not thereafter notified promptly, such Member may itself bring the alleged subsidy in question to the notice of the Committee.『25words』

28、Such jurisdictional jiggery-pokery is made possible in part by the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), which lets foreigners bring alleged violations of international law before American courts.『27words』

29、If, as is alleged, the bourgeoisie no longer has a dual character, then the capitalists will no longer have the task of studying and of remoulding themselves.『27words』

30、The Nicaraguan navy says it has killed four alleged drug dealers and seized more than a tonne of cocaine from a speedboat after a six-hour chase through Caribbean waters.『29words』

