

1、That's very ironic.『3words』

2、an ironic turn of events『5words』

3、make a comment, usually ironic.『5words』

4、That really would be ironic.『5words』

5、The euro's role is especially ironic.『6words』



6、The latter charge was especially ironic.『6words』

7、Captain McCluskey gave them both an ironic grin.『8words』

8、It would be an ironic turn of events.『8words』

9、An ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely.『9words』

10、It's ironic and I've seen this with so many people.『10words』



11、Ugly people into beauties p, it is the most ironic.『10words』

12、How ironic that while your computer is working harder, you're not.『11words』

13、The ironic thing is that global warming is apparently slowing down.『11words』

14、So it's ironic that now they're trying to protect their own turf.『12words』

15、It is an ironic position for the search giant to find itself in.『13words』

16、It is ironic for the leading figure of climate-change opponents to quote this piece.『14words』

17、Too many fates are unrecognizable. At first, they may be heartbeating, but the end is often ironic.『17words』

18、The hero's attempts to solve the problem unwittingly upset the bogeyman, who takes a lengthy ironic revenge.『17words』

19、The hero’s attempts to solve the problem unwittingly upset the bogeyman, who takes a lengthy ironic revenge.『17words』

20、US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she gave her Russian counterpart a "reset" button with an ironic misspelling.『19words』



21、It' s ironic because there's even a film about the making of the production, but none of the production itself.『20words』

22、In different articles, there might have varying ironic degrees for the ironic strength, although the same ironic ways have been adopted.『21words』

23、dry humor; an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely; an ironic novel; an ironical smile; with a wry Scottish wit.『22words』

24、It's kind of ironic to think that absent that effect, it maybe that we would be heading into an Ice Age again.『22words』

25、Shilpa Gupta, who lives in Mumbai,. contrasts in her work the strategies of big corporates with Informal/ black market strategies in an ironic tone.『24words』

26、These toys embody ideals that are increasingly disconnected with the reality that we live in, a kind of ironic nostalgia for a time when “men were men”.『27words』

27、In Herzau's own home, there was more ironic example when his young son's pet mouse Willy died recently, it was accorded a tearful ceremonial burial in garden.『27words』

28、Life is really ironic. Many happy times always flow when you think you are unhappy, while many sad days come when you miss the good old days.『27words』

29、A natural comedian from his early days performing in revue sketches at the Edinburgh festival, Grant adopts an ironic tone about his work as well as his personal life.『29words』

30、The Qinhuai River is known as the Shili fireworks world. It is full of powder and fat. The Confucius Temple is situated in such an environment, which is very ironic.『30words』

