

1、My throat swells.『3words』

2、He swells with pride.『4words』

3、Emotion swells and subsides.『4words』

4、His emotion swells and subsides.『5words』

5、It swells into movement again.『5words』



6、The tumour on the neck swells『6words』

7、The incisive condyloma swells with certain malignancies.『7words』

8、Great author, hay? Go about with the swells.『8words』

9、His big belly swells out like a pot.『8words』

10、At the same time we are great swells.『8words』



11、A tire swells as it is filled with air.『9words』

12、Later, the mountain swells enough to be measured by tiltmeters.『10words』

13、The rolling swells Break in a never-ending roar on the shores.『11words』

14、In the summer, the population swells with beach-goers heading to the Jersey shore.『13words』

15、The searing wind shrieks behind him, and mounting offshore swells heave him along.『13words』

16、Just beyond the breakers, the swells are quite large, and make swimming quite difficult.『14words』

17、Bentonite swells considerably when exposed to water, making it ideal for protecting formations from invasion by drilling fluids.『18words』

18、The disease causes breathing difficulties, diarrhoea, ear, lung and eye infections and, in serious cases, swells the brain.『18words』

19、No longer will you roll at me Your azure swells in endless motion Or gleam in tranquil majesty.『18words』

20、It wanted to get to its nest, for the clouds had touched the swells, and it felt rain coming.『19words』



21、In autumn, sulfur added in the spa helps dissolve cutin, soften the skin, remove swells, activate collaterals and alleviate pains;『20words』

22、“These swells of water come ashore at tremendous speeds and cause most of the damage done to beach-front buildings," said Huff.『21words』

23、In nearly every 22-minute episode, the music swells in the 19th minute, any conflict gets resolved, and a tidy embrace ensues.『21words』

24、Power quality disturbances mainly include harmonics, voltage sags, voltage swells, voltage interrupts, flickers, oscillation transients, voltage sags with harmonic and voltage swells with harmonic.『24words』

25、Walking in the square, the heart swells like a bud; melting in the spring, there are beautiful shadows of willow and peach blossoms everywhere.『24words』

26、But if the bill for solar swells, it is not hard to imagine the kind of public backlash against subsidies that has hit cash-strapped Europe.『25words』

27、His heart rate soars - it may even stop - and his body swells if he comes into contact with the chemical, known as polyethylene glycol.『26words』

28、Their notable finds included a deep-sea shark that swells its size by filling its stomach with water to scare off other predators, and a starfish that eats only driftwood.『29words』

29、The swells tend to peak for a day or two at head-high or better, with chest- to shoulder-high waves during the days before and after the peak of the swell.『30words』

30、There is a young student comes here some evenings named Bannon his cousins or somehing are big swells he sings Boylan's (I was on the pop of writing Blazes Boylan's) song about those seaside girls.『35words』

