

1、How would you have fared『5words』

2、Others of us have fared less hardly.『7words』

3、He fared quite well in the exam.『7words』

4、His successor, Prajadhipok, Rama VII, fared worse.『7words』

5、Brazil's top private Banks fared well too.『7words』



6、He fared quite well in the negotiation.『7words』

7、Facebook, now allied to Microsoft, has fared worse.『8words』

8、How have clients similar to me fared during recessions?『9words』

9、And how has America fared in the new century?『9words』

10、Traditional sushi chefs have not fared so well, however.『9words』



11、How has the counter insurgency strategy worked fared so far?『10words』

12、When it comes to action the EU has fared even worse.『11words』

13、Almost 100 years on we can see how those predictions fared.『11words』

14、“The queen fared forth, attended by all her servants and many carriages."『12words』

15、Mammals fared better, with two out of nine live mammals collected visibly oiled.『13words』

16、Although the broad market fared poorly in Japan, some industries fared better than others.『14words』

17、Widowed women, for reasons not entirely clear, fared almost as well as married women.『14words』

18、Countries that entered the crisis with this problem already entrenched, such as Spain, have fared the worst.『17words』

19、But the results excluded the construction and retailing sectors, which had fared even worse over the period.『17words』

20、After Sierra Leone, Niger fared well with one in every 442 surfers likely to be attacked while online.『18words』



21、At the same time those with relatively larger brain sizes like blue tits and magpies had fared far better.『19words』

22、In an interview with The Huffington Post, Marks suggested that cities had been waiting to see how San Francisco fared.『20words』

23、Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.『20words』

24、Exports of services fared better in the first half of the year, bolstered by sustained growth in offshore trade and inbound tourism.『22words』

25、The surgeons developed the procedure over ten years but waited until now to announce their results, to see how their first patient fared.『23words』

26、The traveller fared slowly on his way, who fared towards Paris from England in the autumn of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.『25words』

27、The islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaii's native peoples have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups.『25words』

28、Tragicomically, a handful of global Banks that had fared well during the financial meltdown of the past 18 months are on the list of those caught out.『27words』

29、In general, women with higher BMIs fared more poorly on the cognitive tests, the researchers noted in the study, published online July 14 in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.『30words』

30、The BJP fared dismally in five state elections in May, and the party is Mired in filth of its own, notably in a mining scandal in Karnataka state that led to arrests this week.『34words』

