

1、She assumed an injured air.『5words』

2、He assumed a mock extravagance.『5words』

3、Axioms which are assumed truths, and.『6words』

4、Congress has assumed some negative functions.『6words』

5、He assumed a look of innocence.『6words』



6、assumed husbandly duties like mowing the lawn.『7words』

7、Jack's countenance assumed an air of seriousness.『7words』

8、No help from a trim device is assumed.『8words』

9、It is assumed that you know basic Alloy functionality.『9words』

10、It's assumed that the required RDBMS software is already installed.『10words』



11、Then she scrutinized Marius, assumed a singular air and said.『10words』

12、I assumed this was the way the professional world worked.『10words』

13、Only open debate will provide the answers; they cannot be assumed by button-pushers.『13words』

14、But many Banks are now assumed to be not only illiquid but insolvent.『13words』

15、The initial crack size was assumed through the visual inspection and the ultrasonic detection method.『15words』

16、Far from Toronto, we assumed the Canadian Mounted Police wouldn't be able to find me there.『16words』

17、For sliding and overturning stability the system shall be assumed to act as a rigid body.『16words』

18、It is assumed that the EPP-feature of the light verb initiates the verb copying construction in Mandarin.『17words』

19、I had always assumed that the purpose of the TCK is to allow anyone to test their software.『18words』

20、In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong, as the first of January had just passed.『18words』



21、Hollow back: The normal cased book is a hollow back but this is assumed and therefore not specified.『18words』

22、The other has to be marked. If there are no stereotyped markings of otherness, then white is assumed.『18words』

23、an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty.『20words』

24、For all tests, when the power is on, the initial state of the curve tracer is assumed to be as follows.『21words』

25、For a long time, we assumed that all whales that had teeth including sperm whales and killer whales were closely related to one another.『24words』

26、Our model had conservatively assumed that the company would lower wholesale ASPs, so we are adjusting our estimates to reflect the unchanged price points.『24words』

27、But with several other NSG members having expressed concerns, and the attitude of China, India's great rival, still unknown, the deal's safe passage cannot be assumed.『26words』

28、The interval may be assumed to have been a major formative period in his life: he was 21 years old when it began, 31 when it concluded.『27words』

29、Strategic decision makers are assumed to behave rationally in the sense that when they make strategic decisions they are assumed to have some good reasons to make choices among alternatives.『30words』

30、All data is validated at its point of entry. Anything on the outside is assumed to be suspect, and after it has run the gauntlet and been allowed inside, it is assumed to be pristine.『35words』

