

1、Overt hostility;overt intelligence gathering.『4words』

2、overt aid to the reBels.『5words』

3、Acts of war; overt warfare.『5words』

4、This current action is clearly overt.『6words』

5、His opponent's intention is quite overt.『6words』



6、It made everything between them more overt.『7words』

7、But the consequences were overt and painful.『7words』

8、an overt lie; overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering.『8words』

9、to have overt and covert contacts with somebody『8words』

10、On the Covert Order and Overt Order of Society;『9words』



11、Is sinus bradycardia a factor facilitating overt heart failure?『9words』

12、His overt message was that people should obey the law.『10words』

13、Preserving a white majority is unlikely to be an overt goal.『11words』

14、If he does anything overt you can get a restraining order.『11words』

15、Yet unease and distaste, more than overt hostility, have governed public attitudes.『12words』

16、It refers to both the overt and the unobservable language behaviors in communicating.『13words』

17、These energies are most overt and obvious to others outside of the relationship as well.『15words』

18、There were other overt discriminatory treatments meted out to medical staff, which were utterly irrational and inexcusable.『17words』

19、The expression_r of a wish, need or motivation, particularly when it is unrecognized or unconscious, in overt behaviour.『18words』

20、But then hierarchies started to topple, and overt displays of power expressed through size of furniture were out.『18words』



21、I wanted to find some evidence of a secret life, a careless friend, a sign of overt political activity.『19words』

22、The formation and preservation of the pore of volcanic have little relationship to buried depth, without overt linear relationship.『19words』

23、In a few minutes I'm going to talk more about IGT. So we have overt diabetes and we have pre-diabetes, IGT.『21words』

24、The price of grain should be an overt competifive price in market. State draws up the lowest protective and highest limited price of grain only.『25words』

25、No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.『25words』

26、The covert or overt form of" le" is not completely correspondent with the meaning of" perfect aspect", and is correspondent with contrast of" bounded unbounded".『25words』

27、Without using overt work as a cover, it would be very difficult for us to undertake covert work; overt work guarantees the success of covert work.『26words』

28、Subscriptions are an overt act of permission. That's why home delivery newspaper readers are so valuable, and why magazine subscribers are worth more than newsstand ones.『26words』

29、Perhaps humans have simply entered a new stage of evolution in which we have abandoned chocolates, door holding, flowers or any overt gesture of interest for a new and unnatural order of things.『33words』

30、Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere. It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war.『40words』

