

1、“Brighter shopping, brighter prices "『5words』

2、the light gradually becomes brighter『5words』

3、smaller droplets are brighter (pink, yellow).『6words』

4、Here the moonlight was even brighter.『6words』

5、A still brighter future lies ahead.『6words』



6、To make or become brighter or more vigorous.『8words』

7、Newt Gingrich entered the race with brighter prospects.『8words』

8、His fellow laborer, Nesar Ahmad, sees a brighter side.『9words』

9、all right, but first you make it brighter please.『9words』

10、The future is brighter than a rocket's red glare.『9words』



11、Something else may soon be included in the list: brighter nights.『11words』

12、Do you think that mixed-ability teaching holds the brighter children back?『11words』

13、In the distance, the hills grew red and dizzy, brighter and brighter.『12words』

14、For habitable planets orbiting brighter, hotter stars, the search will take longer.『12words』

15、With the refraction of sunshine, this unique gemstone looks even brighter and brighter『13words』

16、How could the early Sun be brighter and hotter than predicted by the standard model?『15words』

17、The edges are brighter, because I used GI, as I did on all previous images.『15words』

18、The lights began to shine and became brighter and brighter until they were as bright as day.『17words』

19、But as you watched, the light faded, and in the west the evening star became brighter and brighter.『18words』

20、The larger the aperture, the more light it collects and the brighter and clearer the image will be.『18words』



21、Remember when we talked about star formation, we said that as a star ages, it becomes brighter, right?『18words』

22、The object's gravitational field will bend the starlight like a lens, briefly making the star appear slightly brighter.『18words』

23、We think that 3c 454.3 May now be getting as bright as it was in December 2009, or even brighter『20words』

24、 As the sky became brighter and brighter, the sunshine penetrated through the clouds and rippled a mottled and dazzling glow.『21words』

25、She bent down and kissed his fair brow, then looked at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew brighter and brighter『22words』

26、Then, as he spoke, his feathers went brighter and brighter and at last turned so brilliant that no gull could look upon him.『23words』

27、 If we can show softness and rigidity, the country will become brighter and brighter; if we can show weakness and strength, the country will be more prominent.『28words』

28、 The two of them just wandered outside for a few laps, and the weather became clearer and clearer, and the large orange sunshine became brighter and brighter.『28words』

29、After the Qingming Dynasty, the sunshine became brighter and brighter day by day, the valleys became richer and richer day by day, and the river sang happier and happier day by day.『32words』

30、 We climbed to the top of the mountain and looked out into the distance. The whole pear garden became a white ocean. It was as white as snow and brighter and brighter under the sunlight.『36words』

