

1、Both teams battled hard.『4words』

2、Gallantly they battled on.『4words』

3、She gallantly battled on alone.『5words』

4、The boat battled with the storm.『6words』

5、We battled to reduce our taxes.『6words』



6、The two armies battled all night.『6words』

7、The firemen battled to control the flames.『7words』

8、When the nobles rebelled,the king battled them.『7words』

9、The sailors battled with the winds and waves.『8words』

10、Other justices have also battled cancer in recent memory.『9words』



11、They battled all these difficulties and finally won through.『9words』

12、They battled strong winds and heavy rains in their carriage.『10words』

13、Teams from five universities battled for the prize in the basketball match.『12words』

14、Divers battled for hours to try to free a whale entangled in crab nets.『14words』

15、He imagined a world in which organisms battled for supremacy and only the fittest survived.『15words』

16、The firemen battled against the flames for nine days and nights before getting them under control.『16words』

17、We don't feel less than anyone, we have battled for everything in the last two years.『16words』

18、It's also battled customer losses (a.k.a. churn in industry lingo) and a reputation for less-than-stellar customer service.『17words』

19、Then he climbed over Alcock and battled his way to the starboard engine to clear the snow there.『18words』

20、But other European Union nations were opposed, including Spain which has battled a violent Basque separatist movement for decades.『19words』



21、He battled for three years with the wind and the cold and the soil before he admitted he was wrong.『20words』

22、He always fought her off. The more she strove to bring him to her, the more he battled her back.『20words』

23、The younger Koenig, who played Kirk Cameron's Pal Boner on the hit '80s sitcom, had long battled depression, his family said.『21words』

24、He had talked rapidly, almost like a drunken man, as his reeling brain battled with the rising shock of the malarial stroke.『22words』

25、He was regarded as having honesty and integrity and was a committed family man.His wife Betty had battled alcoholism and founded the Betty Ford Clinics.『25words』

26、He was regarded as having honesty and integrity and was a committed family man. His wife Betty had battled alcoholism and founded the Betty Ford Clinics.『26words』

27、 The ancestor was originally a warrior. He fought in the sand with Taizu Taizong, and battled with blood in exchange for his present wealth and honor.『27words』

28、Despite the best efforts of the city's firefighters, who battled weak water pressure and persistent sniper fire in addition to the flames, more than a million books were lost.『29words』

29、TV commentator Clarence Page, a nationally syndicated Chicago Tribune columnist, said in an interview that the film heroically depicts a condition he has battled most of his 63 years.『29words』

30、Mounted police in riot gear their horses fitted with perspex face masks and shin protectors formed a line to block collins st west of russell st as police battled to reerect the barriers.『33words』


上一篇:any time造句,用any time怎么造句子(30句)