

1、with shoulders thrown back『4words』

2、To be thrown into prison『5words』

3、The troops were thrown Back.『5words』

4、get [go, be thrown] into ecstasies『6words』

5、They got thrown out to sea.『6words』



6、That conference has thrown them together again.『7words』

7、The harp was thrown out as rubbish.『7words』

8、The trade unions have thrown down the gauntlet.『8words』

9、When an assertion fails, an exception is thrown.『8words』

10、What is the nature of the errors thrown (checked, Unchecked)?『10words』



11、My daughter was being thrown out of the sixth grade.『10words』

12、The thrown error can be logged for any future references.『10words』

13、She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork.『13words』

14、A lightbox is a combination of a user interface technique with some Ajax thrown in.『15words』

15、Anything that is not wanted and that is to be thrown away is called refuse.『15words』

16、A decorated egg thrown into the field would be a wish for a good harvest.『15words』

17、For a moment, the red walls begin to recede and my image is thrown into relief.『16words』

18、We can attach to the process, wait for epr to be thrown and take a memory dump.『17words』

19、When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.『18words』

20、Sometimes a design can intentionally be thrown off balance to direct the viewer's eyes to a certain area.『18words』



21、You shouldn't be celebrating your birthday for crying out loud, that's like celebrating when you were thrown in prison.『19words』

22、I've told you several times that toys should not be thrown away. You've thrown my words out of the blue.『20words』

23、 It feels like milk that's expired in the fridge is thrown out, and I'm thrown out of the world.『20words』

24、The next day, poised for his second flying lesson, Felix again begged not to be thrown out of the window.『20words』

25、All food must be consumed outside and trash must be thrown away in the front foyer bathrooms or thrown away off campus.『22words』

26、The job would have been finished sometime ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with the wrong materials.『24words』

27、I have too many wrong words, the students admire the "five bodies thrown to the ground", I am really disgraced ("five bodies thrown to the ground").『26words』

28、Whenever an exception is thrown while processing your JSP page, the exception object will immediately be thrown to the designated error page by means of the implicitly declared exception variable.『30words』

29、Children's channels such as a public service: a cans were thrown into the train, on the train of people kicked back and forth, no one to pick up litter thrown.『30words』

30、In reading books could be found to lead him to the depths of the thing, the other all thrown away, is thrown out to make the mind burden is overweight, and will own everything from points.『36words』

