

1、如果你是unicorn breeders中的一位,仍在期望卡梅隆会和安吉丽娜·朱莉出演《埃及艳后》的话,那这是个坏消息。『2words』

2、论述unicorn Consortia联合图书馆系统在天津市17所高校图书馆的具体应用和该系统的内涵形式与功能特*。『2words』

3、the mythical unicorn.『3words』

4、mythical centaurs; the fabulous unicorn.『5words』

5、Majestic phoenix and lucky unicorn『5words』



6、Human,monster,unicorn,as long as you're happy.『5words』

7、My unicorn and I became friends.『6words』

8、He's modelled a unicorn in wax.『6words』

9、She used to be... my unicorn.『6words』

10、As one sits astride a black unicorn.『7words』



11、I believe unicorn was once living in the world.『9words』

12、A glorious well-oiled angel rides on a winged unicorn.『9words』

13、We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons.『12words』

14、Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?『13words』

15、He will soon see the performance of a unicorn rather than a good team.『14words』

16、The unicorn followed them, moving so warily that not even the horses knew she was near.『16words』

17、He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.『16words』

18、When I say this to new clients, they look at me cynically, as if I've promised them a unicorn.『19words』

19、Ms. Scales recalls her first sighting of a wild seahorse as "like glimpsing a unicorn trotting through my garden".『19words』

20、While this is no confirmation of the unicorn-like tablet, it is some of the strongest evidence we’ve seen yet.『19words』



21、KJV] Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?『20words』

22、This is bad news if you were one of the unicorn breeders still hoping that Cameron would make Cleopatra with Angelina Jolie.『22words』

23、The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.『23words』

24、Women expect to hear something romantic, like you swooped down on a flying unicorn and popped the question as you flew past the sunset.『24words』

25、The saola has been called Asia's "unicorn", though there is at least one good reason not use that term: "bicorn" is more like it.『24words』

26、The video begins with the sparkling silhouette of a unicorn, seen through an upsidedown pink triangle. The unicorn rides off, and the scene switches to an alien-looking "Mother Monster."『29words』

27、If so, there are throngs of such role models in the USA, and the scope of altruistic behavior that surfaced on Sept. 11 doesn't surprise those in the heroes business.『30words』

28、Under Pang Zhongtian's spiritual refinement, the unicorn cried out in bursts. At first sight, it was about to be destroyed, and a thunder fell from the sky, interrupting Pang Zhongtian's refinement.『31words』

29、The annual Lunar New Year's Day, Huangge the lion, unicorn in the town are happy to dance in the town government, following the dance into the village individual households, a bustling scene.『32words』

30、Some people can only be a traveler. Some things can only be remembered. I can't escape those memories after all. I can't forget that person. I can't change the role of a unicorn.『33words』


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