pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子(30句)

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子

1、I'll pass on the dessert.『5words』

2、pass on the rising cost to customers『7words』

3、 Please pass on the news to her.『8words』

4、Please pass on my regards to your parents.『8words』

5、I pass on to Beijing, circa August 2006.『8words』

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子(30句)

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子

6、I am writing to pass on the above information『9words』

7、Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda.『10words』

8、give, pass on, receive, obtain, seek, find, collect, etc information『10words』

9、Drowning in tears right now, playing this pass on repeat.『10words』

10、When passing another car on two-lane roads, pass on the left.『11words』

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子(30句)

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子

11、The birds pass on to offspring the capacity to make these changes.『12words』

12、This is excellent information that she can pass on to her partner!『12words』

13、I would stick with a Sand County Almanac, and pass on Hands-On Environmentalism.『13words』

14、Genes are replicators that pass on information about properties and characteristics of organisms.『13words』

15、Nor may the Licensee pass on EPO data to third parties for such purposes.『14words』

16、Impulse buying is not a habit we want to pass on to our kids.『14words』

17、People who meet on the street, occasionally but willingly, pass on the baton of the soul.『16words』

18、Although I knew, the jet black night is unable mine aspiration to pass on very much far.『17words』

19、Please read this draft of a document and pass on it in as much detail as possible.『17words』

20、Therefore please let us have full details of your products so that we can pass on the information.『18words』

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子(30句)

pass on造句,用pass on怎么造句子

21、On one hand, bringing Chang 'an Ancient Classical Music into class allows Chinese non-material cultural heritage to pass on.『19words』

22、Each time I pass on a bicycle I am made grumpy by the bossy inscriptions carved on its front.『19words』

23、If you want to pass on values to your team, start by defining what those values mean to you.『19words』

24、The catalogues will be collected back after a period of time and pass on to the next line of shops.『20words』

25、In order to pass on the art of the Guqin, he devotes most of histime on the weekends to these classes.『21words』

26、He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task.『22words』

27、 When the students understand what's going on, they pass on two, two and three, each laughing with their stomachs in their hands.『23words』

28、At first, you pick decision which present low risks but which you usually tend to pass on to others, and you make them on your own.『26words』

29、There is no vice, however unconscious, no virtue, however shy, no touch of meanness or of generosity in your character, that will not pass on to the paper.『28words』

30、I think there is a kernel of truth in stereotypes. But [understanding human biology] doesn't give males a pass on being civilized or any parent a pass on having to train their sons.『33words』

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