

1、She was judged "Miss Universe".『5words』

2、We judged it warn't worth while.『6words』

3、We judged the London visit a success.『7words』

4、A virtuoso is judged by their actions.『7words』

5、Theings present are judged by things past『7words』



6、He judged the distance to the nicety.『7words』

7、If true, such a move could be judged monopolistic.『9words』

8、I judged, from his manner, that he was guilty.『9words』

9、The responder can be used as quiz judged device.『9words』

10、The committee judged it advisable to postpone the meeting.『9words』



11、Our fortuitous meeting is judged by the arrow of Cupid.『10words』

12、Finally, the authenticity of news is usually judged by the public.『11words』

13、If judged by appearance Sam Walton was a very ordinary man.『11words』

14、If he held back, would that be judged as prudence or gutlessness?『12words』

15、Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged people.『12words』

16、And after him Elon, a Zebulonite, judged Israel; and he judged Israel ten years.『14words』

17、The MSC has established a set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged.『15words』

18、Notability and honorability are the two fundamental dimensions through which influence of brand-names upon consumers is judged.『17words』

19、Therefore, it is a waste of money to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially judged stable.『17words』

20、But questions still abound: Would these new voices be subsumed if they were judged to have crossed the line?『19words』



21、Genius thinks it can do whatever it sees others doing, but is sure to repent of every ill-judged outlay.『19words』

22、They will not be released until they are judged to be respectful, polite and obedient enough to rejoin their families.『20words』

23、So he's satisfied that the women judged to be beautiful were indeed beauties, and those judged less beautiful were less attractive.『21words』

24、However, after thorough investigation and multidimensional analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that they should be judged as adjectival forms in nature.『23words』

25、Just as guantanamo was against America's interests though judged legal by some American courts, so targeted assassination may cause more problems than it solves.『24words』

26、In the case of software, contributions should be judged by the merit of the code, not by whether the contributor works for the right company.『25words』

27、Therefore, educational operations of various kinds can be analyzed and judged by their goals-whether they are for profit seeking in order to work out relevant operating rules.『27words』

28、That is, some people judged androgynous faces as female every time they appeared in the upper right corner, while others judged faces in that same location as male.『28words』

29、That means the least popular books are judged by people who have the highest standards, while the most popular are judged by people who literally do not know any better.『30words』

30、If a neon tube is connected with the utility model in series, the on-off state can be conveniently judged at night, and simultaneously, the existence of an electricity can be judged in the circuit.『34words』

