

1、Ungenerous, mean, or stingy.『4words』

2、a stingy portion of food『5words』

3、Obviously is stingy by oneself.『5words』

4、Giving or spending with reluctance;stingy.『5words』

5、She practices economy without Being stingy.『6words』



6、The West is stingy with aid.『6words』

7、Don't be so stingy with the butter.『7words』

8、They wouldn't be so stingy about it.『7words』

9、I mean, the judges have simply become stingy.『8words』

10、My parents taught me to be generous, not stingy.『9words』



11、To be liberal to one and stingy to another『9words』

12、People whose houses face demolition complain about stingy compensation.『9words』

13、Slow or reluctant in giving, forgiving, or sharing; stingy.『9words』

14、If you are mean, stingy and selfish, nobody will admire you.『11words』

15、On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood, thrives.『14words』

16、Scientists have pinpointed a stretch of DNA that makes people stingy with their cash.『14words』

17、We should not be stingy in expressing encouragement and appreciation to people in time.『14words』

18、Since winter, there have been several snowfalls, but they seem to be perfunctory and stingy.『15words』

19、But in a market as stingy as the one we've endured since 2000, below-average results really hurt.『17words』

20、 You just have to continue to be petty, stingy and stingy, and play coquettish with these girls.『18words』



21、Don't be shy of expressing your love to those you love, and don't be stingy with your praise.『18words』

22、 Thrift, virtue, too, is stingystingy, anti-harm elegant way; let, foolish line, too, is respectful, prudent, more creative.『19words』

23、One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money.『19words』

24、We all walked in silence. Yang Tao suddenly said that you smiled brilliantly today. Why are you so stingy『19words』

25、The Numbers represent a sharp turnaround for a program that many companies had complained was too stingy with its visas.『20words』

26、Soon after the disaster, the Internet in China was abuzz with lists of so-called Iron Roosters, or birds so stingy they would not share a feather.『26words』

27、Do not stingy your time, do not stingy your energy, not to be short of sight, remember, teach others to learn, only a good person can teach others.『28words』

28、Siyu had wished to be a companion for Professor Dai in her old age, and her wish would now be granted, an unexpected gift from a stingy life.『28words』

29、Please do not be stingy with your sincerity, because sincerity can give people trust. Please do not be stingy with your enthusiasm, because enthusiasm can give people an upward trend.『30words』

30、Walk today's road, live the present life, do not admire the flourishing, do not carve, be simple to people, do not be too stingy, do not be too stingy, do not be too stingy, know how to choose, learn to give, learn to pay, not to bear the mind, not to disguise the spirit, let the footsteps light, not the greed, not the self, the『65words』

