

1、Drilling 50 yards deep,『4words』

2、landing fifty yards downstream,『4words』

3、The punt traveled 50 yards.『5words』

4、The arrow carried for twenty yards.『6words』

5、My mother bought two yards of cloth.『7words』



6、I could kick the ball fifty yards.『7words』

7、She chased the thief for 100 yards.『7words』

8、A few yards more and Mary whispered again.『8words』

9、There is a palisade between the two yards.『8words』

10、Some people proposed building multi-storey underground grave yards.『8words』



11、Parks, forests, highways and yards all need cleaning up.『9words』

12、You have a long pitch which is 22 yards long.『10words』

13、Randy Moss had 86 yards receiving, while Javon Walker had 75 yards.『12words』

14、Extrusion screw, cement clay, coal conveyors screws in mines, brick yards, quarries.『12words』

15、Twelfth hole, 200 yards; a good example of Scottish frugality, this time with bunkering.『14words』

16、The range of all "friendly totems" has been increased to 30 yards, up from 20.『15words』

17、Your Order No. 85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art. No. 1002 has been booked.『16words』

18、The Austrian trenches were above on the hillside only a few yards from the Italian lines.『16words』

19、Her new house, just a few hundred yards away, has a two-car garage and "all the amenities".『17words』

20、The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.『18words』



21、Augh! There's an outhouse about 200 yards away from here, bring a compass with you when you go.『18words』

22、She often scolds, "If I can hit a bull's-eye from a hundred yards, you can tinkle in the toilet! ""『20words』

23、The streaks range from 0.5 yards to 5 yards wide and stretch hundreds of feet, far smaller than previously detected gullies.『21words』

24、Their first store in Shanghai in April grand opening, but not ready 32 yards following models, and most Shanghai women wear clothes 30 yards.『24words』

25、Get the Dodge Radio you need at an affordable price, from a large dependable network of Dodge junk yards and Dodge salvage yards nationwide.『24words』

26、Increased range for weapons. From 35 yards to 41 yards at Max level is amazing. If you pass out on this, you should pass hunter class entirely.『27words』

27、a well-groomed grass playing field one hundred yards in length, like that at Beijing Worker's Stadium but with markings every ten yards (or just over nine meters);『27words』

28、Rhett, hearing of this from Melanie, brought in from England yards and yards of gleaming white satin and a lace veil and presented them to her as a wedding gift.『30words』

29、We seem to be dead as doornails for years, then in a couple of weeks we grow yards and yards, but it's really the sudden effect of what's been accumulating underneath, if you understand me.『35words』

30、“Angkor Wat: Temple complex in Angkor (now in northwestern Cambodia), the crowning work of Khmer architecture. ABout 1,700 yards (1,550 m) long by 1,500 yards (1,400 m) wide, it is the world's largest religious structure."『35words』

