

1、God damn wily Europeans.『4words』

2、He's a wily old fox.『5words』

3、This is a wily politician.『5words』

4、He is a wily fellow.『5words』

5、Jane is a wily old bird.『6words』



6、They became more experienced and wily.『6words』

7、The boss is a wily old fox.『7words』

8、Her father was a wily old attorney.『7words』

9、Can our heroes possibly defeat this wily creature?『8words』

10、For the wily warrior there is the Envenomed Sword!『9words』



11、even the wily moon will leap to that bobbing『9words』

12、Making wily choices about possible jurisdictions is often criticised as "forum shopping".『12words』

13、You're talking to a wily old fish who doesn't take those baits.『12words』

14、Kotloff says that influenza is a wily virus, one that is difficult to predict.『14words』

15、A wily Congress fixer may be as qualified to overcome such obstacles as anyone.『14words』

16、Yet Iran's leadership remains wily, leaving outsiders struggling for effective means to bring about change.『15words』

17、Bees are wily creatures, however, whose ingenuity has nothing to do with the size of their brains.『17words』

18、TOSHIHIKO FUKUI, the wily governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), would dearly like to raise interest rates.『18words』

19、No one in Anjou had better hearing or could speak the local dialect more clearly than the wily winegrower.『19words』

20、Perhaps somewhere upriver, some wily piranhas were engaged in a toothy chuckle over their successful escape from the purge.『19words』



21、We all know that he a wily old bird, but that gril who love him did not believe that.『19words』

22、The Stones are wily old businessmen: they were among the first to realise that fans would pay more for concert tickets.『21words』

23、The movie is a cry of national shame; for De Palma, it's a new badge of honor for a wily old vet.『22words』

24、Mr Yanukovich won the most votes in the first round yet the wily and more appealing Ms Tymoshenko could yet snatch victory.『22words』

25、I was much touched by this act of kindness on the part of that wily old man towards two utterly defenseless strangers.『22words』

26、A likelier explanation is that he clashed, not for the first time, with the chairman of the Volkswagen Group, the wily Ferdinand Piech.『23words』

27、Now be sure, the wily Riley in the off-season lineup reinforced the determination and did not die, he even has its own long-term plans to extend to the year 2010.『30words』

28、The wily thief, who had been watching her while she carried out the programme he had foreseen, waited only until she snored again, and then took her money and departed.『30words』

29、The wild Turkey is a wily beast, but its domesticated Cousins have been bred for weight, not cleverness, and are now renowned for their stupidity - hence the slang usage "You Turkey!"『32words』

30、Charles Rangel, a wily New Yorker, is in charge of the Ways and Means Committee, arguably the most powerful in the House; James Clyburn is majority whip, the third-ranking Democrat in the chamber.『33words』

