

1、calamagrostis pseudophrag-mites『2words』

2、Itch mites cause scabies.『4words』

3、Dust mites can trigger allergies.『5words』

4、The study of mites and ticks.『6words』

5、a chemical agent used to kill mites.『7words』



6、Infestation with or disease caused by mites.『7words』

7、The company produces chemicals that destroy ticks and mites.『9words』

8、Changchun City in 2008 Rat body fieas、mites Survey Report『9words』

9、Other causes include organisms such as dust mites and molds.『10words』

10、Two insectivorous mites were released to tea fields to control injurious mites.『12words』



11、Allergens produced by dust mites are the most common trigger for asthmatics.『12words』

12、Methods With the methods of water floatation and Tullgren to isolated mites.『12words』

13、Comparative stuidies on isoenzyme patterns and the proteins of the two acaroid mites『13words』

14、Community structure and spatial distribution of gamasid mites associated with small mammals in Yunnan,China『14words』

15、These steps help to control common allergens, including dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollens.『15words』

16、Effects of trichomes of plant surface on mites and its enlightenment on biological control of pest mites.『17words』

17、Indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander).『17words』

18、To Restore the PH value of skin, maintain the normal internal environment avoid of blain and mites.『17words』

19、Objective To investigate species composition of gamasid mites, chigger mites and flea on the rodent in Zhuhai Port.『18words』

20、Logical and qualitative research on the capacity of acaroid mites for mold carrying and transmitting in storage circumstance『18words』



21、The only animals discovered at any distance from the sea are water bears, mites and a few wingless insects.『19words』

22、Atopy was defined as a positive skin-prick test to mites, cat, Alternaria, Cladosporium, grass, birch, Parietaria, olive, or ragweed.『19words』

23、Untreated scabies infestations, especially in infants, immobilised geriatric patients, AIDS and other immunologically compromised patients can support huge Numbers of female mites.『22words』

24、Avoiding common nasal allergy triggers such as pet dander, dust mites, and pollen can go a long way toward preventing sinus problems.『22words』

25、After treatment with metronidazole, 88.4% showed negative in sputum examination for mites and the efficacy of the treatment for pulmonary acariasis was 92.3%.『23words』

26、Phytoseiid mites is the important predatory natural enemy of many injurious mites and small injurious insects, which has the important utilization value in agricultural production.『25words』

27、We included randomised trials of mite control measures versus placebo or no treatment in people with asthma known to be sensitive to house dust mites.『25words』

28、Another was using a humidifier for a child who was allergic to dust mites; a humidifier tends to be a place where dust mites like to breed.『27words』

29、The research results show that the space pattern of corn leaf mites has a gathering distribution form in lower density of mites while a uniform distribution in higher one.『29words』

30、Objective to establish cell culture method of the gamasid mites in order to study on the gamasid mites and chigger mites as the vectors of HFRS at the cell molecular level.『31words』

