

1、I'm still unsure.『3words』

2、He's rather unsure of himself.『5words』

3、“The rest were" so-so "or" unsure.『6words』

4、Now I am wiser but unsure如今我更智慧,但却变得迷茫。『6words』

5、If you're unsure, restore the default Settings.『7words』



6、faced an uncertain future; an unsure existence.『7words』

7、Fifty-two percent were unsure about the idea.『7words』

8、It can be changed later if you're unsure.『8words』

9、If you're unsure, just use the 32-bit version.『8words』

10、I am still unsure of what love is.『8words』



11、If you are unsure, do you trade anyway?『8words』

12、When you're internally wavering and unsure, the world will undoubtedly agree.『11words』

13、They're unsure whether the deep-sea warming canceled out warming at the sea's surface.『13words』

14、I arrived in China a little unsure, but full of hope and passion.『13words』

15、Not only are we unsure of where to look, we're unsure of what's clickable!『14words』

16、If you are unsure, call your veterinarian who will have kept all this information on file.『16words』

17、With its focus divided, the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next.『16words』

18、We go into the office unsure if we will have a job at the end of the day.『18words』

19、There are a lot of things I'm unsure of, so it's going to be good working with you.『18words』

20、If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.『19words』



21、The team is unsure who the coach is, why they’re there and if they’re even qualified to do the job.『20words』

22、I am unsure how the blue coloration was developed and I also do not know how the orange eyes came about.『21words』

23、For those of you who are a bit unsure, we do have a video you can watch to see what happens.『21words』

24、A trustee has the right to approach the court for advice in circumstances where the trustee is unsure of what action to take.『23words』

25、uncertain of his convictions; unsure of himself and his future; moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps; an uncertain smile; touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers.『25words』

26、Couceiro conceded he was unsure of the nature of the injury, but believes it will not keep the youngster on the sidelines for too long.『25words』

27、The teams had been given several briefings on microbial forensics and the available intelligence, but still found themselves unsure how to untangle the evidence and how to respond.『28words』

28、If you are unsure about how to decide, we encourage you to consult the Resources, which are accessible by clicking the Resource Center button at the top right panel.『29words』

29、It is Martin's complex characters and suspenseful plots that have left readers and TV viewers unsure but desperate to find out what happens next in the battle for the Iron Throne.『31words』

30、He also questioned the necessity of having to take a small computer out of its bag, and said airport authorities were still unsure about whether to classify the iPad as a laptop.『32words』

