

1、Troast got the G.O.P. nod.『5words』

2、A nod was the answer.『5words』

3、Trees nod in the wind.『5words』

4、You may nod off while driving.『6words』

5、I understood exactly what the nod meant.『7words』



6、He signified his content with a nod.『7words』

7、And people's eyes glaze over and they nod.『8words』

8、He left without so much as a nod.『8words』

9、With a nod he vanished into the bedroom.『8words』

10、You nod and people know you are saying "Yes".『9words』



11、He then gave shy finale nod before the curtain fell.『10words』

12、I think I should nod to say yes, but I can't move.『12words』

13、Shivering in the cold, they wait for the nod of a bouncer.『12words』

14、Instead of voicing our real position, we smile, nod, make cheerful mumbling sounds.『13words』

15、In contrast, they might only respond to a girl's comments with a nod.『13words』

16、Sleepy heads start to nod, the conversation drifts into quiet grunts and sighs;『13words』

17、They nod their heads and guide you back out of the room and back down the corridors.『17words』

18、Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.『18words』

19、He could bestow knighthood and prestige by a nod, and he was chary of creating a too-extensive nobility.『18words』

20、Perhaps ETUDE is no longer alert to the public. There is no fear on the face, nodding nod and nod.『20words』



21、Bloch: it's a nod to 16 vintage Hollywood, when the great celebrities, the great 17 starlets, were wearing that look.『20words』

22、He said that his disregard for monogamy wasn't a chauvinistic throwback, but quite the opposite: the ultimate nod to feminism.『20words』

23、Now a study has found it really does help people nod off if it is milked from a cow at night.『21words』

24、The town hall has an architectural exhibition, with the slogan "Little Argenteuil, Grand Paris" as a nod to the bigger plans.『21words』

25、Then again, all that is necessary for tedium to triumph is for fascinating men to let their eyes glaze over and nod.『22words』

26、As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on.『22words』

27、A positive nod of forgiveness toward your partner early in the marriage usually helps when the kids and the mortgage and the careers nibble away at marital bliss.『28words』

28、In another nice nod to usability, the button itself illuminates with a soft white light, as does the areas adjacent to it in the "gesture" area when certain actions are performed.『31words』

29、One was that speakers frequently make a gaze shift towards a listener just before a nod is given. The other is that they often use the word "and" to generate a responsive nod.『33words』

30、For example, when listening to a spouse or child, you should nod your head or say, "I understand," which conveys to the other person that you care about what he or she has to say.『35words』

