


2、We are quits now.『4words』

3、The Q key quits multitail.『5words』

4、We are [have become] quits now.『6words』

5、Hit him back and call it quits.『7words』



6、Nobody wants fights. Let's call it quits.『7words』

7、It simply quits when the parent program quits.『8words』

8、After receiving two messages, the command-line consumer example quits.『9words』

9、The low "quits rate" problem suggests other side effects.『9words』

10、What I can't accept is a team that quits.『9words』



11、Thirteen years later, the vanilla and strawberry called it quits.『10words』

12、Girl quits job on camera, exposes boss as Farmville addict.『10words』

13、A talented high-jumper, Yiquan quits the sport after car accident.『10words』

14、So when do you really know it's time to call it quits『12words』

15、She shrugged. 'I think he's going to call it quits before I leave.'『13words』

16、After years of hard work, you've decided to call it quits and retire.『13words』

17、He swore at me and I hit him we were quits with each other『14words』

18、Representatives for Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn have confirmed that the Hollywood couple has called it quits.『17words』

19、You have buy the train ticket and I have pay for the meal so we are quits.『17words』

20、“If the foot injury does not heal next season, I might choose to call it quits," he said.『18words』



21、Sometimes the only thing you can do is call it quits, reformat your hard drive, and reinstall your OS.『19words』

22、Sometime between two and four in the morning Churchill quits and goes to bed, leaving others to sort out carbons.『20words』

23、When your friends hiked up a hill with ease, you had to lag behind, huffing and puffing—or had to just call it quits.『23words』

24、The global namespace for a module is created when the module definition is read in; normally, module namespaces also last until the interpreter quits.『24words』

25、The couple, who have been dating for the past year, went public with their romance earlier this year after Witherspoon called it quits with Jake Gyllenhaal.『26words』

26、However they did it, the Lapita spread themselves a third of the way across the Pacific, then called it quits for reasons known only to them.『26words』

27、On our standard rundown test, where we'll loop a video until the machine calls it quits, the new Air clocked in at just over five and a half hours.『29words』

28、The air pressure that action carries on the head in tent is 0, the pressure of fluctuation double air because of tent is equal and way is opposite and quits.『30words』

29、If they do fight again, it will probably be a rematch and then they'll call it quits, which means the young guns of the 140-pound division will have to make their names by fighting each other.『36words』

30、Itsmuscles are such that it is quits incapable of moving at a speed ofover a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and theswiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm。『36words』

