

1、corals forming featherlike colonies.『4words』

2、Great Britain and her colonies.『5words』

3、The colonies are demanding greater autonomy.『6words』

4、Supportive industries developed as the colonies grew.『7words』

5、The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe.『7words』



6、The imperialists did this by robbing colonies.『7words』

7、Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies.『8words』

8、Towns in the Northern colonies were centralized and compact.『9words』

9、Anyway, development in the colonies differed greatly depending on geography.『10words』

10、Some of the Adele penguin colonies have already gone extinct.『10words』



11、While Europe's population, consumption and production fell, Spain's colonies thrived.『10words』

12、The scientists tracked white storks from different colonies in Europe and Africa.『12words』

13、The evidence provided by the documents of British and French colonies is not definitive.『14words』

14、The quality of clothing produced in the colonies was lower than that of British clothing.『15words』

15、Why Britain did not pass laws restricting the small-scale manufacture of clothing in the colonies『15words』

16、Trading colonies were developed on the string of islands in the centre of the Mediterranean-Crete.『15words』

17、Jobs disappear in both grasshopper colonies and ant nests and fiscal deficits soar, especially in grasshopper colonies.『17words』

18、Not only are there separate colonies inside and out, but skin harbors a multitude of bacterial colonies.『17words』

19、It is true, as Bailyn claims, that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England.『17words』

20、Variation of bacteria in water and attached on Microcystis colonies and their activity during the algal blooms『17words』



21、What makes the second premise problematic is the use of the Puritan colonies as a basis for comparison.『18words』

22、It is, in fact, colonies of bacteria, protozoa, mycoplasmas, yeasts and viruses clumping together in a gel-like organic material.『19words』

23、Conclusion Both biochemistry maker and microsatellite DNA marker are good methods at analyzing the population genetics of Mongolia gerbil colonies.『20words』

24、These conditions are the awakening of the great masses of the people in the colonies and semi-colonies and in the imperialist countries themselves.『23words』

25、He said although more fishing was taking place nearer penguin colonies it was often happening later in the season when these colonies were empty.『24words』

26、This revolution has the proletariat of the capitalist countries as its main force and the oppressed peoples of the colonies and semi-colonies as its Allies.『25words』

27、In natural populations, individuals often are distributed more or less discontinuously to form numerous colonies, and individuals may be exchanged between adjacent or nearby colonies.『25words』

28、The theory is that bigger colonies with more crowded conditions would require insects to evolve better immune defenses, which in turn enable the insects to evolve still-bigger colonies.『28words』

29、Since writing this article, Stalin has again and again expounded the theory that revolutions in the colonies and semi-colonies have broken away from the old category and become part of the proletarian-socialist revolution.『33words』

30、In the 1760s, conflicts between Britain and her 13 North American colonies were on the rise because the British government tried to increase control over the colonies and raise taxes at the same time.『34words』

