

1、Temple, pavilions dotted the meantime.『5words』

2、In the meantime, Kenya burns.『5words』

3、In the meantime, day had dawned.『6words』

4、In the meantime, the place became dilapidated.『7words』

5、In the meantime, our search page awaits.『7words』



6、In the meantime, Fantine did not recover.『7words』

7、In the meantime, what of the boys?『7words』

8、So in the meantime, I'll keep on sipping.『8words』

9、At the meantime, cumulative plastic strain will develop.『8words』

10、In the meantime, bankers are back to huge bonuses.『9words』



11、In the meantime, everyone kept scanning the empty sky.『9words』

12、And at the meantime, she is realizing her self -worth.『10words』

13、In the meantime, reliance on European Central Bank funding is increasing.『11words』

14、In the meantime, we still need four bales of cotton for our t-shirts.『13words』

15、In the meantime, Kerry's own crewmen have strongly rejected the new version of events.『14words』

16、At the meantime, compared to the conventional GA, the improved GA increases convergence speed greatly.『15words』

17、It has the highest program ratings, which was far beyond other television programs at the meantime.『16words』

18、The River roared in the meantime, leaving clean sand grains and smooth pebbles deposited between the rubble.『17words』

19、At the meantime, it introduces the on-site dynamic balance experiment conducted after replacing partial broken blades during staring.『18words』

20、At the meantime we have gained the ability of developing new products according customers requests including quality and time.『19words』



21、It can observe furnace work condition and correct the strip at the meantime, which covers the void of domestic research.『20words』

22、While at the meantime, press coverage by foreign media has seen an increasing trend both in their quantities and contents.『20words』

23、At the meantime, the solidification temperature was measured, the results calculated by simulation software agree well with those obtained by experimental measurements.『22words』

24、In the meantime, here's what we can expect from cable, digital subscriber line, satellites and fixed-wireless and from further-out alternatives such as flying platforms.『24words』

25、In the meantime, the client is also required to toggle a special flag to notify the JAX-RPC runtime system to maintain the client sessions.『24words』

26、By being separated and being connected are compatible, freedom and inconvenient live together in the meantime. Plenty of the place for living is achieved.『24words』

27、In the meantime, nearly everyone seems to agree that it's worth putting the precautionary principle into play; that is, reduce your exposure as best you can.『26words』

28、In the meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way, it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people's new habits or hobbies.『31words』

29、It takes several days before a check is cashed and funds are withdrawn from the issuer's account, which means that the writer of the check can cam interest on the funds in the meantime.『34words』

30、In the meantime, the labor market information network has started to display its worth, promoting exchanges of information concerning labor supply and demand, and helping the jobless find employment or reemployment through the labor market.『35words』

