


2、I reply, appalled.『3words』

3、The disciple was appalled.『4words』

4、He was appalled and angry.『5words』

5、Many of them would be appalled.『6words』



6、The prospect of another war appalled us.『7words』

7、Be appalled today, be back puffing tomorrow.『7words』

8、The newspaper reports of starving children appalled me.『8words』

9、They were appalled at the waste of recyclable material.『9words』

10、We were appalled by the news of the war.『9words』



11、The brutality of the crime has appalled the public.『9words』

12、He looks appalled, as if I've tried to assault him.『10words』

13、In its formal reaction, Israel declares itself "appalled" at the report.『11words』

14、He felt appalled by the idea of marriage so we broke up.『12words』

15、We watched appalled as the child ran in front of the car.『12words』

16、Environmentalists looking on this orgy of consumption can only be appalled. W. d.『13words』

17、May those who say to me, 'Aha! Aha!' be appalled at their own shame.『14words』

18、The women in the office were appalled at what we thought we were allowed to talk about.『17words』

19、The upright will be appalled at this, And the innocent will stir up himself against the godless.『17words』

20、I note, at once impressed and appalled, that she is even wearing a bikini in some of her pictures.『19words』



21、Many people were appalled by the gruesome details described by two people who claimed to have witnessed the death.『19words』

22、This incident appalled Wanli and apparently sounded an alarm bell to Zhang Juzheng. He was no longer afraid to be careless.『21words』

23、“Edom will become an object of horror; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds.『22words』

24、But the rest offended her--and inarguably, because it wasn't a gesture but an emotion. She was appalled by West Egg, this unprecedented "place."『23words』

25、I will cause many peoples to be appalled at you, and their Kings will shudder with horror because of you when I brandish my sword before them.『27words』

26、I have been appalled at the number of educated grown-ups who freely say nerd or geek with an intonation that tells kids this is a really bad thing.『28words』

27、NIV] He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him.『32words』

28、His two rivals are appalled (refreshingly for the Tories, one of them, Ruth Davidson, is a lesbian kick-boxer); various big donors are threatening to cut their contributions if Mr Fraser gets his way.『33words』

29、I'm appalled and disgusted that movies like 'Minions' are allowed to be made in 2015 and shown to little kids, teaching a new generation to expect and accept a world where girls go missing.『34words』

30、He was appalled by the vastness of the beauty that rightfully belonged in it, and again his mind flashed and dared, and he demanded of himself why he could not chant that beauty in noble verse as the great poets did.『41words』


上一篇:speak out造句,用speak out怎么造句子(30句)